United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the first place, three or four fellers made their 'scape from the 'Cricket' afore the fighting began, and it's quite likely that my company vill be desired by the gents, on the ground that I vos the one vot betrayed 'em.

"Ach! Vot isn't der matter?" cried the moon-faced one. "I haf a part vot incessitates me to be bound und gagged by a band of robbers, und stood in a corner vhile dey loot der blace." "Well, that's a nice, romantic part," observed Paul. "Yah, but how would you like to haf a rag stuffed in your mout so vot you couldn't breath yet for five minutes? How vould you like dot; hey? Dell me dot!"

Thus Rolf won the respect, if not the love, of the huge beasts; more and more they were his charge, and when, on that sad morning, in the last of the barley, Van came in, "Ach, vot shall I do! Vot shall I do! Dot Buck ox be nigh dead." Alas! there he lay on the ground, his head sometimes raised, sometimes stretched out flat, while the huge creature uttered short moans at times.

Ve got to sell sometings, and maybe now ve don't vant dem images. And so I buy dem two and some olt vestments dat my Masie make so good as new, vid patches. Now, vot can I do vid dis ?" Again the door was burst open, shutting off all possibility for conversation. Bobby's voice had now reached the volume of a fog-horn. "What do ye take us fur out here lobsters? Dad and I can't wait all day.

"In the name of the Lord, what am I indebted to you for?" demanded Jerome, now entirely out of patience, turning to the last of the trio. "I told yer vership vot time it vas, this morning." "Well!" exclaimed the indignant man, "ask here who o'clock it is, and you have got to pay for it."

"Vot for you vos blay me such a drick as dis, hey?" "Just to wake you up, Hans." "I ton't vos been asleep, not me!" "I mean to stir up your ideas put something new into your head." "Mine head vos all right, Tom." "To be sure it is." "Den vot you say you vos put somedings new py him, hey?" "I mean to make you sharper-put you on your mettle."

He was halfway down the stairs before Madame Haupt could shout to him: "Vait! I vill go mit you! Come back!" He went back into the room again. "It is not goot to tink of anybody suffering," she said, in a melancholy voice. "I might as vell go mit you for noffing as vot you offer me, but I vill try to help you. How far is it?" "Three or four blocks from here." "Tree or four!

Dot is vot ve vill not do!" laughed Mr. Switzer, with conviction. "See, I haf alretty t'ought of dot, und I haf provided. Here are pretzels!" and he produced a large bag of them from his grip. "Ve vill not starf!" "Ha! Pretzels!" scoffed Mr. Sneed. "I never eat them!" "Maybe you vill before you starf!" chuckled Mr. Switzer, as he replaced them. "I like dem much!"

"By Chiminy, I am, Captain; der skin vos rubbed off me by der saddle," he answered, touching the afflicted part tenderly. "It vos der rackin' gait mit der horse vot did it. He is der vorst horse dot ever I ride." "Well, get as comfortable as you can, and I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future. Bungay, what has become of Maria?" The little man's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

He pinned the check to a half-sheet of paper on which he wrote, "Rah mit Prescott!" A few days later Mr. Schimmelpodt turned from Main Street into the side street on which Dick's parents kept their store and their home. "Ach! Und dere is de door vot that boy lives by," thought Mr. Schimmelpodt, just before he passed Dick's door. "Yen der game over was, und I saw dot boy go down -ach!" For Mr.