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VECINA. , señora, y de bueno ... a eso venía, a enseñar a la vecinita un corte de vestido de punto de Flandes ... como es recién casada ... y como nada cuesta el ver ... pero, con permiso de su señoría, cerraré la puerta ... no sea que la encajera lo olfatee y vaya con el chisme ... porque la tal encajera es capaz de todo ... y si yo fuera a contar....

The caravanserai where they were shut in was square enclosure, open to the sky, and intended to shelter herds of buffaloes. The prisoners having heard nothing of what passed outside, were astonished to behold Athanasius Vaya and his troop appearing on the top of the wall. They did not long remain in doubt. Ali gave the signal by a pistol-shot, and a general fusillade followed.

Can you suggest nothing? 'I dare not mention to your Majesty, I said humbly, 'what seems to me to be the only alternative. 'You mean that I should go to the wench! he answered for he did not lack quickness. "SE NON VA EL OTERO A MAHOMA, VAYA MAHOMA AL OTERO," as Mendoza says. But the saucy quean, to force me to go to her! Did my wife guess but there, I will go.

Go get the wine, and bring it along with you. The doctor left directions for it to be given him at this hour." "I have it here, senorita." "Vaya! you have forgotten the glass. You would not have him drink out of the bottle?" "Ay Dios! and so I have," responds Conchita, apparently gliding off to possess herself of the required article, with which she soon returns.

It is true he went to Spain with the colours of that society on his hat oh! the blood glows in his veins! oh! the marrow awakes in his old bones when he thinks of what he accomplished in Spain in the cause of religion and civilization with the colours of that society in his hat, and its weapon in his hand, even the sword of the word of God; how with that weapon he hewed left and right, making the priests fly before him, and run away squeaking: "Vaya! que demonio es este!"

"Wagh! that talk's all very well, but what do we know of you or yer cargo?" "Vaya! A bird in the hand's worth two in the bush." "He's a trader. Who's goin' to take his word?" "Rot his cargo! Scalps or cash, cash or scalps! that's this niggur's advice; an' if ye don't take it, boys, ye may leave it! but it's all the pay ye'll ever crook yer claws on."

"It is true," he said, "that I am fleeing the country. But, receive the assurance that I care very little for that. Courts and camps everywhere are open to Sabas Placido. Vaya! what is this molehill of a republic this pig's head of a country to a man like me? I am a paisano of everywhere.

'I do, said I, 'and I never saw a finer brilliant than your own, one excepted; it belonged to an acquaintance of mine, a Tartar Khan. He did not bear it on his finger, however; it stood in the frontlet of his horse, where it shone like a star. He called it Daoud Scharr, which, being interpreted, meaneth light of war. 'Vaya! said the archbishop, 'how very extraordinary!

"Hollo, Dick! hang it, old hoss, what are ye 'bout?" "Carambo!" "By the 'tarnal airthquake!" "Vaya! hombre, vaya!" "Carrajo!" "By Gosh!" "Santisima Maria!" "Sacr-r-re!" It seemed as if the different nations had sent representatives to contest the supremacy of their shibboleths. I was struck with three groups.

They have other work before them the something of which the gaucho spoke, and to which he now hastily turns, crying out "Your ponchos, my lads! Get them, quick! We must close up the entrance with them, otherwise we'll stand a good chance of being smothered. Vaya!" Neither needs urging to haste. Young as they are, they too have had experience of a tormenta.