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When Lovaina was taken to the cemetery, Vava drove her old chaise with her children in it; and then, Maru, he was seen again only by a Tahitian who had gone to bathe in the lagoon because the fever was burning him. You know how Vava always took the old horse of Lovaina at sunset to swim in front of the Annexe.

Stella seemed to have forgotten her annoyance when she came in to tea, for she was laughing heartily; but when Vava asked her if she were tired, she said, 'No, very coldly, and addressed no more conversation to her. Vava consequently talked to Eva; but this kind of thing could not go on, and after tea, when she found herself with Mrs. Morrison, she unburdened herself to her old nurse.

'If you only knew how horrid it is to hear the other girls talking of going home; they have all got homes but me, said Vava wistfully. Stella tried to comfort her, and began to talk of their visit next day, and of how they could get there after church, and Vava cheered up at the thought of a day with Eva, who was so little older than she that they got on very well together.

There was silence when she said this, for if her three listeners had spoken their minds they would have cried in chorus, 'Indeed you do not! As it happened, however, it was Vava, with her usual candour, who demanded, 'Then why do you feel happy?

'And what Monty Jones means comes to pass, as most people have found, and as you will find, he had said as he patted Vava's arm kindly; and Vava had faith in the old man's word. However, there was no chance of their being friends at present, as she saw, for she and Stella duly called on the wrong day, and Mrs.

'I think it is larger than it looks, Vava, and we really only need five or six rooms; and you know we must not give too much rent, for I do not want to spend all our income, she said gravely. 'I'm sure this will be quite cheap. Do let's ask, said Vava impatiently. So urged, Stella rang the bell marked 'Caretaker; and after a long wait, a grim and unfriendly-looking man appeared.

'Never mind; I will bring you again another day, said Stella, smiling; and Vava thought she had not seen her look so bright and happy since they had left Lomore. 'We might make it our next Saturday treat, agreed Vava. 'We had another plan for Saturday, replied Stella, smiling again in a half-ashamed manner. 'Another treat?

I wonder what he has come for? Something to do with the prizes, I expect, said Vava, and she stopped to speak to the chauffeur, with whom she was a great favourite. 'The master's in there; I believe he's looking for you, the man observed. 'That isn't the proper place to look for me; I go in at the pupils' entrance, tell him, said Vava. But Mr. Jones was not at that moment looking for Vava.

So Doreen, who had already been into No. 2 with flowers for the vases, gave a sigh, and had to content herself with looking out of the back window, in the hope that Vava would go into the garden, and she would see her from there.

'You wrote once, and it vexed her; and now that she has forbidden you to go to see Mr. Jones any more you have nothing to do but obey, even if it is hard. 'But he will think horrid things of me, protested Vava. 'I do not think he will; but even so, you must abide by it. Dearie me, what bairns you all are!