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He did not consider the delay sufficiently justified by Lescarbault's statement that he wished to see the spot again. He therefore set out for Orgères, accompanied by M. Vallée.

It was not until the hour of vespers that the mass of the French host was marshalled in front of the village of Estrées on the eastward plateau beyond the Vallée aux Clercs. John of Hainault, who had become a thorough-going French partisan, advised Philip to delay battle until the following day.

Says Vallee: "He filled a unique position at Court, being accepted by all, even by the King himself, as a cynic, personally liked for his disposition, enjoying consideration on account of the prestige of his social connections, inspiring fear in the more timid by the severity and fearlessness of his criticism."

The Count, after some further conversation on his intended journey and on the arrangement of Emily's, took leave; and many days did not succeed this visit, before a second letter from M. Quesnel informed her, that he was then at Tholouse, that La Vallee was at liberty, and that he wished her to set off for the former place, where he awaited her arrival, with all possible dispatch, since his own affairs pressed him to return to Gascony.

For time had so far blunted the acuteness of her grief, that she now courted every scene, that awakened the memory of her friends; in every room, where she had been accustomed to see them, they almost seemed to live again; and she felt that La Vallee was still her happiest home.

Other early and lifelong friendships were with Madame Delannoy, who lent him money, and was in all ways kind to him, and with M. de Margonne, who lived at Sache, a chateau on the Indre, in the beautiful Touraine valley described in "Le Lys dans la Vallee," and who had held Balzac on his knees when a child.

Therefore, in October, before the authorised version was published in Paris, there appeared in Russia, under the title of "Le Lys dans la Vallee," what Balzac indignantly characterised as the "unformed thoughts which served me as sketch and plan."

«Il n'est même pas nécessaire, pour se convaincre de la vérité da ces faits, de gravir sur le Cramont. Il suffit de jeter les yeux sur la premiere carte que l'on trouvera sous la main, des Pyrénées, de l'Apennin, des Alpes, ou de quelqu'autre chaîne de montagnes que ce puisse être. On y verra toutes les vallées indiquées par le cours des rivieres; on verra ces rivieres et les vallées dans lesquelles elles coulent, aboutir par une de leurs extrémités au sommet de quelque montagne ou de quelque col élevé. Les replis tortueux d'un grand fleuve, indiqueront une vallée principale, dans laquelle des torrens ou des rivieres qui indiquent d'autres vallées moins considérables, viennent aboutir, sous des angles plus ou moins approchans de l'angle droit. Or ces rivieres qui viennent de droite et de gauche se jeter dans la vallée principale, ne s'accordent pas pour se jeter par paires dans le même point du fleuve; elles sont comme les branches d'un arbre qui s'implantent alternativement sur son tronc, et par conséquent, chaque petite vallée se jette dans la vallée principale vis-

She could not conquer a presentiment, which frequently occurred to her, this night that she should never more return to La Vallee.

We come suddenly upon the Vallee d'Herival, but the deep close gorge we gaze upon is only the beginning of the valley within valley we have come to see. Our road makes a loop round the valley so that we see it from two levels, and under two aspects.