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He wore exactly the same dark-brown cloak over the black velvet dress. The white hand, with broad lace wrist-ruffles, reached them also a trinkgeld. This time the fellows had scarcely self-possession sufficient to take the present, for every thing swam before their eyes, and their hearts one moment almost ceased to beat, and then palpitated with the feverish rapidity of terror.

Julien descended, greeting them with a gentlemanly nod as he passed, and, extending his white hand with a trinkgeld, mounted his carriage, and drove away. The host stood as if stunned, outside the door, looking right and left with unspeakable terror.

"What will you give me for trinkgeld, Mamselle Enke?" asked the footman, as she gave him the receipt. "Your own rudeness and insult," answered Wilhelmine proudly, as she turned, without saluting him, to the sitting-room. Kretzschmar laughed aloud. "She will play the great and proud lady," said he. "She will get over that when in prison.

But the constable's fee that she must pay in earthly power, not even a king can save her from it, for that is a "trinkgeld" and she pays it from the royal purse. On the evening of the king's arrival I accompanied my father to the castle where the reception royal took place. There were no ladies present on this occasion.

"No, not exactly that," answered he, smiling; "but, as you asked me, I was obliged to answer. I have come here with all speed as courier from Potsdam. I hope you will at least give me a good trinkgeld. I was commanded to deliver into your own hands this paper, for which I must have a receipt." He drew from his breast pocket a large sealed document, which he handed to Wilhelmine.

We sprang instantly out, and set the quiet animals free. The man was so frightened he could scarcely step from, the box. The whole affair did not last more than a few minutes, when we were on our way again, with great cause for thankfulness to the Preserver of our lives. The driver was so honest in acknowledging his fault, that I gave him his trinkgeld, and our friend L. S. gave him some advice.

He paid the landlady her demand, two pfenning, or about an English halfpenny, and he of the pitchfork demanded trinkgeld, and getting a trifle more than usual, and seeing Gerard eye a foaming milk-pail he had just brought from the cow, hoisted it up bodily to his lips.

The host observed the empty carriage with a smile, but the servants asked themselves astonished what it meant, and as they turned and saw Count St. Julien descending the stairs, they were startled. He offered them the usual trinkgeld, entered the carriage, and rolled away with a commanding nod. The host seemed speechless with astonishment, and stood as if rooted to the spot.

Almost on tiptoe Professor Ladislaw Wcelak followed him, while Aaron repaired to the cutting room and packed up his belongings, preparatory to forsaking a career as cutter for one of music. At length only old man Hubai remained. "What are you waiting for?" Morris demanded. "Me poor man," Hubai said. "Me no got carfare, me no got Trinkgeld, me no got nothing."

"If you be a true man," said Ulric shrewdly, "then give us trinkgeld for the knowledge we have given you." Gerard looked blank, but putting a good face on it, said, "Trinkgeld you shall have, such as my lean purse can spare, an if you will tell me why ye have ta'en his cloak from the man and laid it on the beast."