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Belisarius had to be sent back again to Italy: but the envy, whether of Justinian himself, or of the two wicked women who ruled his court, allowed him so small a force that he could do nothing. Totila and the Goths came down once more to Rome. Belisarius in agony sent for reinforcements, and got them; but too late. He could not relieve Rome.

Sagaris did not know that among her seekers was King Totila himself; on the other hand, he had much reason for suspecting that Marcian pursued Veranilda with a lover's passion, and when the journey ended at the island villa, when the convoy of horsemen was dismissed, when he himself was sent off to a distance, he saw his suspicion confirmed.

'You guess my mission, lord Basil, he pursued, with bluff good-humour. 'Dullard that I was, the talk of a fair lady travelling in Marcian's charge never brought to my mind that old story of Surrentum. Here is our royal Totila all eagerness to see this maiden if maiden still she be. What say you on that point, dear lord? Nay, look not so fiercely at me.

'You enjoy the confidence of Totila? asked Basil, wondering, and a little confused. 'Did I not tell you that I claimed the merit of playing traitor to both sides? Marcian spoke with a note of bitterness, looking his friend fixedly in the face. 'It is a noble treachery, said Basil, seizing both his hands. 'I am with you, heart and soul! Tell me more. Where is the king? Will he march upon Rome?

One of these was sent with Belisarius to attack the Goths, but was not strong enough to do more than just hold Totila in check, and Justinian would not even send him all the help possible, because he dreaded the love the army bore to him.

Thus, with perfect simplicity, with kindliest interest in things human, did Benedict draw the young man into converse. He put no question that touched on the inner life, and Basil uttered not a word concerning his late distress, but they touched for a moment upon public affairs, and Basil learnt, without show of special interest, that Totila still lingered in Campania.

The first of these is that in which the whole administration precariously established by Belisarius fell to pieces before the earthquake that was Totila, who, never systematically met and opposed, by the year 544 held all Italy with the exception, as I have said, of Ravenna, Rome, Spoleto, Perugia, Piacenza, and a few other strongholds.

Yet if one were found who could persuade him that the cause of the Greeks is hopeless that, by holding out to the end, he will merely lose all, whereas, if he came to terms Marcian was watching Heliodora's face. He paused. Their eyes met for an instant. 'Who can be assured, asked Heliodora thoughtfully, 'that Totila will triumph? They say the Patricius will come again. 'Too late.

'Leave me free to make your fortune, for Totila is generous to those who serve him well; or stay here and spy upon me till your belly pinches, and the great opportunity of your life is lost. There was a silence. The Syrian's features showed how his mind was rocking this way and that. 'You have not cunning for this, he snarled. 'The Thracian will use you and laugh at you.

Through such facts as these God speaks. Let man be silent; and look on in fear and trembling, knowing that it was written of old time The wages of sin are death. The Goths wanted to kill Rusticiana. She had sent money to the Roman generals; she had thrown down Dietrich's statues, in revenge for the death of her father and her husband. Totila would not let them touch her.