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He moved back a bit and in his self-possessed voice of a man of the world, as though he were speaking across a card table or something of the sort, he called Tomassov's attention to the fact that if he meant to make use of the warning the moments were precious. "'Indeed they are, agreed the awed Tomassov. 'Good-bye then.

I could not tell you how she looked, which is strange considering that I was, if I may say so, Tomassov's special confidant. "He very soon got shy of talking before the others. I suppose the usual camp-fire comments jarred his fine feelings. But I was left to him and truly I had to submit.

Most of the time they themselves don't know much about their innermost moods, and blunder out of one into another, sometimes with catastrophic results. And then who is more surprised than they? However, Tomassov's case was in its nature quite idyllic. The fashionable world was amused. His devotion made for him a kind of social success. But he didn't care.

"'And kept in France, he repeated into Tomassov's very ear, and then letting him go stepped back a space and remained silent. "'And it's you, you, who are telling me this! cried Tomassov in an extremity of gratitude that was hardly greater than his admiration for the generosity of his future foe. Could a brother have done for him more!

And I, too, I guessed it, for I give you my word that the report of Tomassov's pistol was the most insignificant thing imaginable. The snow certainly does absorb sound. It was a mere feeble pop. Of the orderlies holding our horses I don't think one turned his head round. "Yes. Tomassov had done it. Destiny had led that De Castel to the man who could understand him perfectly.

"Such was De Castel's disclosure; and though he had spoken in low tones Tomassov was stunned as by a great crash. "'Arrested, he murmured, desolately. "'Yes, and kept as a state prisoner with everybody belonging to him.... "The French officer seized Tomassov's arm above the elbow and pressed it hard.

You can't very well expect a youngster in Tomassov's state to hold his tongue altogether; and I I suppose you will hardly believe me I am by nature a rather silent sort of person. "Very likely my silence appeared to him sympathetic. All the month of September our regiment, quartered in villages, had come in for an easy time. It was then that I heard most of that you can't call it a story.

"I don't know whether he was jealous of Tomassov, but I suspect that he might have been a little annoyed at him as at a sort of walking absurdity of the sentimental order. But these men of the world are impenetrable, and outwardly he condescended to recognize Tomassov's existence even more distinctly than was strictly necessary.

But it was poor Tomassov's lot to be the predestined victim. You know what the world's justice and mankind's judgment are like. They fell heavily on him with a sort of inverted hypocrisy. Why! That brute of an adjutant, himself, was the first to set going horrified allusions to the shooting of a prisoner in cold blood! Tomassov was not dismissed from the service of course.