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'Bear up, brave heart! we will be calm and strong; Sure, we can master eyes, or cheek, or tongue, Nor let the smallest tell-tale sign appear She ever was, and is, and will be dear. RHYMING PLAY. It was a hot summer's evening. Edith came into Margaret's bedroom, the first time in her habit, the second ready dressed for dinner.

It has often since been a comfortable thought to me that we had thus destroyed the tell-tale remnants of the Flying Scud; and often a strange one that my last sight and reminiscence of that fatal ship should be a pillar of smoke on the horizon.

I couldn't find no papers nor nothin' worth bringin' away wi' me unless it were the aneroid, tell-tale, and clock what was fixed to the coamin's where the skylight had been, and I couldn't unship none o' them without tools; but the tell-tale and the clock bore the name o' Flying Eagle Philadelpy; that I take to be the name an' port o' registry o' the craft." "No doubt," agreed Leslie.

The astute riders of the plains were giving no chances away; they had left the tell-tale trail and rode on over the grass at its edge. The westering sun was low on the horizon. The air was still. Not a cloud was visible anywhere in the sky. The world was silent. The drowsing birds, even, had finished their evensong.

"Oh! drat your conscience and blow your duty. You're a spy and a backbiting tell-tale, that's what you are. Did you never kiss a girl yourself?" "Never until after I was married, when we are specially enjoined by the great Apostle " "Then I'm sorry for your wife, for she must have had a lot to teach you. But let's stop slanging, we have our own opinions of each other and there's an end.

But yet his abstracted mood, his gloomy life, certain words that have broken from him unawares, certain tell-tale emotions, which words of mine, heedlessly said, have fiercely aroused, all united, inspire me, shall I say it, with fear and distrust. I cannot think him altogether the calm and pure being he appears.

Perhaps old Granny Thornton had been right, however, when she exclaimed that there was a fate in the mysterious foreign piece; for when Tim Reardon reached his hand into his pocket presently, to see that the coin was safe lo, it had once more disappeared. Little Tim, with a look of chagrin, turned his pocket inside out. A tell-tale hole in one corner accounted for the disappearance.

Heard, reposing on the rough pumiceous ground with his eye fixed upon the naughty FLUTTERBY whose virginal whiteness, with declining day, had assumed a tell-tale crimson blush, pieced together these and sundry other little bits of information. They made him more than usually thoughtful; they chimed in with his momentary mood of self-analysis. One thing was dead certain.

He could not say why he felt she must be well over thirty there was not a line or wrinkle on her face not even the slight nip in under the chin, or the tell-tale strain beside the ears. She was certainly not pretty, certainly not. Well shaped yes and graceful as far as he could judge; but pretty a thousand times No! Then the speculation as to her nationality began. French? assuredly not.

So in the early hours their pickets came running in, all mixed up with German Askaris, and the ring of rifle and machine-gun fire told them that their time had come. Capsizing the tell-tale lamp, they scattered in the undergrowth like a covey of partridges, Hallam badly wounded in the leg and only able to crawl.