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He is very accomplished a teetotaller he has been to the Holy Land, and his hair has been cut close after a fever. It sounds odd, but I am not curious. I can very well wait till to-morrow evening. 'Oh, well, as to ideas about a person, one doesn't get that sort of thing from Mrs. Thornburgh.

It appears to be a fairly widespread delusion in some sections of society that a Christian must necessarily be a teetotaller.

"I've seen the time when I wouldn't have left them stones lying out there," he said, and presently, "Why, God bless you, I've made my own boots before to-day. Give me the tops and I'll soon rig up a pair still." And with all his success, and his evident satisfaction with his lot, the man was neither a prig nor a teetotaller. He had probably seen too much of the world to be either.

Jim and me went to some races that was held at Peter Anderson's pub., about four miles across the ridges, on Queen's birthday. Andy was a quiet sort of chap, a teetotaller, and we'd disgusted him the last time he was out for a holiday with us, so he stayed at home and washed and mended his clothes, and read an arithmetic book. 'Jim and me had a pretty high time.

"But I am sure all the same we shall be very good friends," said Mr. Denvers. "May I give you a glass of wine?" "Wine! Bless you, I'm a teetotaller," said Kitty. "Why, it isn't habits of intoxication you'll be putting into me. I never take anything but water, or milk when I can get it; and it isn't Miss Malone you're going to call me is it, for if it is I tell you frankly that I'll die entirely.

"Not a drop, I thank you; for, besides being a teetotaller, Captain, I'm behind time to-day, and must bid you good-morning." "Well, Sir, I'm much obliged to you; the bill of sale shall be at your counting-room directly; the clerk will receive the notes and deliver the cotton. Good-morning, Sir, good-morning!"

"No; I'm a teetotaller," said the widow. The two gentlemen exchanged glances, and Mr. Kidd, ever of an impulsive nature, resolved to bring matters to a head. "Wot would you do if Joe was to come in 'ere at this door?" he asked. "Scream the house down," said the widow, promptly. "Scream scream the 'ouse down?" said the distressed Mr. Kidd. Mrs. Gibbs nodded.

"Well, I do promise the very first time I get the chance; and that will be to-morrow night, for our new parson has started temperance meetings, and he is a great teetotaller." "An' you promise to stick to it?" added Molloy. "When I give a promise I always stick to it!" returned Miles gravely. "Right you are, lad. Give us your flipper!"

'Touched nothing for two years? said the mother exultingly, with her arms and shawl again round her son's neck. 'A teetotaller? said Maria. 'Anything you like to call it. Only, what a gentleman's habits are in that respect needn't be made the subject of general remark. It was evident he was a little sore, and Jane, therefore, offered him a dish full of gooseberries.

Hamilton appeared to extract some melancholy pleasure from it all, and Cranze remained unvaryingly drunk. Hamilton said there was a special providence which looks after drunkards of Cranze's type, and declined to interfere; and Cranze said he refused to be chided by a qualified teetotaller, and mixed himself further king's pegs. Messrs.