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I shuddered. "That depends on who she is, Monsieur," replied the Colonel, curtly. "Good heavens!" I gasped, looking about me. The Colonel, who was eyeing me sarcastically, had had his demitasse of cafe noir, and now drank his tasse, diffusing a pleasant perfume of brandy.

Studied in Pennsylvania schools, and under Soyer and Bellay in Paris. She has lived and travelled much in Europe, and her pictures, which are of genre subjects, include scenes in France, Italy, Spain, and Holland. Among her principal works are "La tasse de thé," "Le lever du bébé," "Reading," "Mère et Enfant," and "Caresse Maternelle."

That lovest the harping of the Gael, Through fair and fertile regions borne, Where never yet grew grass or corn. But English poetry will never succeed under the influence of a Highland Helicon. Allons, courage! O vous, qui buvez, a tasse pleine, A cette heureuse f ontaine, Ou on ne voit, sur le rivage, Que quelques vilains troupeaux, Suivis de nymphes de village, Qui les escortent sans sabots

"I should rather have thought," said Graham, "that no one would have cared for Eleonora if it were not for Tasso." Rameau glanced at the Englishman superciliously. "Pardon, Monsieur, in every age a love-story keeps its interest; but who cares nowadays for le clinquant du Tasse?" "Le clinquant du Tasse!" exclaimed Isaura, indignantly.

"Sufficit huic tumulus, cui non sufficeret orbis." That of Tasso: "Les os du Tasse." Similar to which is that of Dryden: "Dryden." The following is that of General Foy, in Pere la Chaise: By accident the meaning was discovered, and the solution is equally remarkable for its ingenuity and for the morality it inculcates: "O superbe quid superbis? tua superbia te superabit.

But just as if he had seen me yesterday he said, "Tiens! c'est vous; une deme tasse? oui ... garçon, une deme tasse." Presently the conversation turned on Marshall; they had not seen much of him lately. "Il parait qu'il est plus amoureux que jamais," Julien replied sardonically. I found my friend in large furnished apartments on the ground floor in the Rue Duphot.

Pour ne pas me rendre plus malade, je n'ai pas voulu rester dans la grande ville que j'ai traversee d'une gare a l'autre immediatement. J'ai pris une tasse de chocolat et ecrit quelques lettres en attendant le train pour Fontainebleau qui est parti de la gare a 8 h. C'etait un train demi-express, mais je l'ai bien supporte.

He was sipping his demi tasse, and had ceased to expect the man he wanted, when that man walked into the room. Before he could sit down at a neighbouring table Roger hailed him; a small, dark man of Jewish type, a man of forty-five, perhaps, with the brilliant eyes of a scientist and the arched brows of a dreamer. "Hello, Doctor Lewis! I've been hoping you'd blow in!" Sands said cordially.

The cold milk was very refreshing but the room grew stifling as they all sat round near the little centre table with the French window nearly closed, shutting off the summer-house and garden. Everybody in turn seemed to be saying "Ik kenne meine Tasse sie ist svatz." Bertha had begun it, holding up her white glass of milk as she took it from the tray and exactly imitating the housekeeper's voice.

"I should rather have thought," said Graham, "that no one would have cared for Eleonora if it were not for Tasso." Rameau glanced at the Englishman superciliously. "Pardon, Monsieur, in every age a love-story keeps its interest; but who cares nowadays for le clinquant du Tasse?" "Le clinquant du Tasse!" exclaimed Isaura, indignantly.