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"Master!" he cried joyfully, his eyes very bright, "O, master, art awake at last? dost know Roger thy man, dost know thy Roger, lord?" "Aye, forsooth, I know thee, Roger," says Beltane, yet aggrieved and querulous, "but I called not thee. Send me Fidelis where tarries Fidelis?" "Master, I know not. He came to me within the Hollow six nights agone and gave to me his horse and bid me seek thee here.

Why is the thunder silent, and where are the lightnings that played round the peak of Sinai? "Why does not darkness fall upon us to affright the heathen? Why does not the earth open her mouth to swallow them up like the company of Korah?" "The Might of God," cried Dulas, "tarries too long. The Lord must set our piety in a doubtful light, for He treats us as though we were unworthy of all care."

It gives me an idea of his exhilarating impression, which I had dimly supposed from what I heard of him. I wait eagerly for his reappearance here, and cannot discover why he tarries so long in Boston. Privately I have heard very much good music since I have been here, mainly Mendelssohn and Spohr, with singing of Schubert and "Adelaide," etc.

But whilest she pleases her Mistriss with this sight, the t'other causes her to enjoy a new recreation: for she having gotten leave to go to Church in th'afternoon, tarries out till seven of the clock in the evening, tho she knows there are friends invited to supper, the children must be got to bed, and all things set in good order; neither is it strange, for she thinks, I am now the eldest Maid, the t'other may attend.

The work contains about two hundred pages and is embellished with sixteen photo-prints, numerous engravings, and a new map of Bermuda made from the latest surveys. Singing, singing through the valleys; Singing, singing up the hills; Peace that comes, and Love that tarries, Hope that cheers, and Faith that thrills, Heart and I, are we not blest At the thought of coming rest?

Meanwhile avoid all quarrelling With the knights and their followers till we know the innocent from the guilty. But wherefore tarries this knave Smith? He is ready enough in tumults when his presence is not wanted, and lags he now when his presence may serve the Fair City? What ails him, doth any one know? Hath he been upon the frolic last Fastern's Even?"

Whether it be better for a people to achieve an even level of prosperity, which is shared by all, but which makes none eminent, or to encounter those rough, ambitious, competitive strengths which produce both palaces and poor-houses, shall not be matter of argument here; but the teller of this story is disposed to think that the chance traveller, as long as he tarries at Granpere, will insensibly and perhaps unconsciously become an advocate of the former doctrine; he will be struck by the comfort which he sees around him, and for a while will dispense with wealth, luxury, scholarships, and fashion.

There, romance has not died one must believe, will never die. And, having told you, I seem to hear you laugh. "We thought," I would seem to hear you say, "that he was going to tell us of concrete places, of concrete byways, where this so gorgeous romance yet tarries." And you are aggrieved and disappointed. But I bid you patience. I am still too young to be sentimental: so have you no fear.

He had been disappointed in love, and had no one to leave his riches to. This was the story told by Reverend Silas Van de Lear. The people of Kensington were less concerned with the truth of this tale than with the future intentions of the visitor. "How long he tarries in Zane's homestead!" said the people that spring. "Hasn't he settled that estate yet?"

So he sat down on one of the benches and the lady on the other; and she said to him, 'O my lord, wherefore waitest thou? He bowed his head awhile, then raised it and answered, 'I am waiting for my servant, who has the key: for I bade him make me ready meat and drink and flowers for the wine-service against my return from the bath. But he said in himself, 'Belike she will grow tired of waiting and go about her business, leaving me here, when I will go my own way. However, when she was weary of waiting, she said, 'O my lord, thy servant tarries long; and here are we waiting in the street. And she took a stone and went up to the lock.