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If I go off without ye t'night, I never come back. What make ye gig back? Are ye 'fraid o' me?" "N-no; but but" "But what, Merry Etty?" "It ain't right to go an' leave Dad all alone. Where y' goin' t' take me, anyhow?" "Milt Jennings let me have his horse an' buggy; they're down the road a piece, an' we'll go right down to Rock River and be married by sun-up."

I guess I'm full o' brilliant ideas t'night, but this ain't no time for talk not with that turkey starin' us in the face, it ain't isn't, I mean. So quit chewin' d' rag an' let's chew d' turk' instead an' Gee, but that's some brilliant too, I guess!" So down they sat, and while Hermione presided over the cups and saucers, Ravenslee carved. "Light or dark meat, Miss Hermione?" he enquired.

Etched against the horizon lay a stumpy masted vessel that seemed as still and dead as ocean that rotted around it. She had not a sail aloft nor a plume of smoke in her funnel. For the moment this lifelessness was not observed by the hungry castaways. A joyous medley arose from the dock. "Th' Vulcan! Hit's th' Vulcan! Th' good Vulcan! We'll 'ave full rations t'night, 'at will! Hurrah!"

"Would y' bring home a can of salmon fish for t'morrow supper when y' come in t'night?" Johnnie asked. To that, Barber did not commit himself. When Johnnie and Cis were left alone, old Grandpa being already abed, Johnnie did not try to win her interest in the Handbook, or share with her the new and absorbing thinks it inspired.

"Hope y' didn't hurt his feelin's none," the tone was grave: that one green eye looked anxious. Johnnie only shook his head. He did not care to go further with the discussion of the Astor-Smith friendship. However, the one-eyed man himself turned the conversation, "Goin' back home t'night?" he wanted to know. Johnnie raised startled eyes. "N-n-no," he returned.

Why, blast the Pope, hasn't she saved me from bein' scragged many a time didn't she save me t'night?" "Doesn't she pray rather that you may turn honest?" "Honest!" quoth he, spitting. "Let them be honest as can! An' look 'ee, my lad, I'll tell ye what you leave my dead mother alone or 't will be the worse for ye."

"You don't mean that, sir," said the man, with the ready sympathy of the lower orders for an intoxicated gentleman. "I had better take you home, sir; you can go to Scotland Yard to-morrow." "Is it as friend or as perfessional man you advise me not to go Shcotlan' Yard t'night?" inquired Michael. "All righ', never min' Shcotlan' Yard, drive Gaiety bar." "The Gaiety bar is closed," said the man.

"Hell's Kitchen ain't big enough for you an' me, I guess; you're goin' because I say so, an' you're goin' t'night!" "You surprise me!" said Ravenslee sleepily. "You're goin' t' quit Hell's Kitchen for good and you ain't comin' back!" "You amaze me!" and Ravenslee yawned behind his hand. "An' now you're goin' t' listen why an' wherefore if you can keep awake a minute!" "I'll try, Mr.

Suddenly, and at the sight of Pinckney, Prue's words of that morning entered her mind. "Miss Julie, Massa Pinckney told me tell yo' he be at de gate t'night same's las' night. Done you let on as I told you." And here he was, the man who had been occupying her thoughts and who was beginning to occupy her dreams, and here she was as though waiting for him by appointment.

Say, Chief, we gotta get back if we wantta meet that train down at Unity t'night." That was true too, and most important, so the Chief with a worried glance toward the dark mountain turned his car and hurried his captives away.