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Amongst the various branches of education, the teaching of languages struck me with especial force as defective, on account of its great imperfection, its capriciousness and lifelessness. The search for a satisfactory method for our native language occupied me in preference to anything else. I proceeded on the following basis:

It was the region of factories and dwellings of the working-class, but its inhabitants were not early risers in these days of high wages and short hours. Even those gray spirals ascended as if the atmosphere lay heavy on them. They accentuated the lifelessness, the petrifaction, the intense and sinister quiet of the prostrate city.

She recognized the lifelessness in his tone, the jaded look and air of one who is fighting a hard battle in the face of sure defeat. "You's sick, honey," she exclaimed, with the ready sympathy of her race, "and you's come back to old Olly to take care ob you. Dat's right, chile, I'll just mix you a little warm "

In every tiny seed lies concealed this mysterious force only a spark of life which, encouraged by nature, springs into a waving harvest. This very quality is synonymous with the reality of life. The human mind ostensibly has an aversion to lifelessness.

It was the weight that crushed her almost to lifelessness; it was the bar sinister. "No, Wicker, I mean it," she said in the end resolutely. "Not until I can give you a name in exchange for your own." "Your name shall one day be Bonner if I have to wreck the social system of the whole universe to uncover another one for you."

Annushka went out, but Anna did not begin dressing, and sat in the same position, her head and hands hanging listlessly, and every now and then she shivered all over, seemed as though she would make some gesture, utter some word, and sank back into lifelessness again. She repeated continually, "My God! my God!" But neither "God" nor "my" had any meaning to her.

Nobody seemed to want to stay in Santa , except the aforesaid less than five thousand inhabitants, who were able to endure the place because they had never seen any other, and who had become a part of its gray, dirty, lazy lifelessness and despondency.

We would pray to thee to let the irresistible current of thy universal energy come like the impetuous south wind of spring, let it come rushing over the vast field of the life of man, let it bring the scent of many flowers, the murmurings of many woodlands, let it make sweet and vocal the lifelessness of our dried-up soul-life.

And even your letter, mournful as it is, seems to me kinder, and dearer, and more full of yourself, than with all the magic of your language, and the silver sweetness of your voice, your spoken words are. I walked by your house yesterday; the windows were closed there was a strange air of lifelessness and dejection about it. Do you remember the evening in which I first entered that house?

And even your letter, mournful as it is, seems to me kinder, and dearer, and more full of yourself, than with all the magic of your language, and the silver sweetness of your voice, your spoken words are. I walked by your house yesterday; the windows were closed there was a strange air of lifelessness and dejection about it. Do you remember the evening in which I first entered that house?