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Willie made more noise "suppin'" his stir-about than Jamie did, and I said: "Did ye iver hear ov th' cow that got her foot stuck in a bog, Willie?" "No, boy, what did she do?" "She got it out!" A stern look from Jamie prevented the application. "Tell me, Willie," Anna said, "is it thrue that ye can blink a cow so that she can give no milk at all?"

"I didn't say. Muther ain't said herself yet. She say out of nine you can always count on suppin' happenin' that oughtn't, specially when five is boys. But I reckon it will be about four o'clock, and she thinks Friday will be the day. If muther can get 'em all washed and keep the lemonade from being drunk up she will have it at four. If'n she can't she will have it when she can.

But as she used to say, 'Suppin' sorrow had made her to sup others' sorrow with them. Her cup, though deep and full, had not embittered her heart, but led her to drink with those whose cup was deeper than her own.

"Ye'll not get many of them, at that rate," answered Mattha, less than half pleased at an event which he could not comprehend. "It's slow wark suppin' buttermilk with a pitchfork." "Will you never be solid with me?" cried Liza, with extreme vexation pictured on every feature as her scapegrace sweetheart tried to imprison her hands in order to kiss her.

"What's the principal?" demanded Mrs Gaff. "Why, the whole sum; the money itself, you know." "D'ye suppose that I'm a born fool, Mr Barepoles, that I should try to live on the money itself? I never heerd on anybody bilin' up money in a kettle an' suppin' goold soup, and I'm not a-goin' for to try."

"He'll maybe mend o' that opeenion, as mony a wise man has dune afore him," said Meg, sententiously. "Gae on, cuif; what else aboot the young man?" "Oh, he's a lad o' great lear. He can read ony language back or forrit, up or doon, as easy as suppin' sowens. He can speak byordinar' graund. They say he'll beat the daddy o' him for preachin' when he's leecensed.

An' if him then you? An' if man an' wife suppin' in my parlour where will ye sleep?" "I oh, Ann I don't know. His letter just said that when I came home it would be our wedding night!" "Why, then it sure will be. An' f'r a weddin' supper, y' couldn't have nothin' better 'n shin o' beef.

It comes on the Fourth of July; they will be nine on the Fourth, Washington and Jefferson will, and muther's been wanting ever since they been born to celebrate their birthday, but suppin' always happened; somebody was sick, or Wash and Jeff been fightin', so she couldn't in conscience give 'em a party.

"No, I am not, which is a blessin'. I hope that Mrs Massey ain't ill?" "No; my Nell is never ill," returned the coxswain, in a hearty tone. "She'd have been suppin' along with us to-night, but she's nursin' that poor sick lad, Ian Stuart, that's dyin'." "Is the lad really dyin'?" asked Mitford, laying down his knife and fork, and looking earnestly into his companion's face.

'Betty, said Robin, wipin' his face wi' his sleeve, 'it's bin dry weather latly. So th' owd lass took th' hint, an' fetched 'em a quart o' ale. While they stood i'th middle o'th floor suppin' their ale, Betty took th' candle an' went a-lookin' at this organ; and hoo couldn't tell whatever to make on it.... Did'n yo ever see a weshin'-machine, Nanny?" "Never i' my life," said Nanny.