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With rather Stentorian voices they have been singing a dialogue which is most elaborately entitled a "Canzonetta Nuova, sopra un marinaro che da l' addio alla sua promessa sposa mentre egli deve partire per la via di Levante. Sdegno, pace, e matrimonio dilli medesimi con intercalare sull' aria moderna. Rime di Francesco Calzaroni."

'And there you beheld the Signorina Vittoria, who was then bearing the name of Emilia Belloni? 'Which name she changed on her arrival in Italy, illustrious signora, for that of Vittoria Campa "sull' campo dells gloria" ah! ah! her own name being an attraction to the blow-flies in her own country. All this is true. 'It should be a comfort to you! The Signor Mertyrio...

MORSELLI, Antropologia generale Lezioni sull' uomo secondo la teoria dell' evoluzione, Turin, 1890-94, gives an excellent resumé of these general indications of modern scientific thought in their application to all branches of knowledge from geology to anthropology. BONARDI, Evoluzionismo e socialismo, Florence, 1894. ARCANGELI, Le evoluzioni della propriet

ORDINIBUS: cf. 59 ordines. De Or. 1, 34 ne plura consecter comprehendam brevi. USU UBERIUS: cf. 53 fructu laetius ... aspectu pulchrius. AD QUEM ... RETARDAT: some have thought that there is zeugma here, supposing ad to be suited only to invitat, not to retardat. That this is not the case is clear from such passages as Caes. Sull. 49 nullius amicitia ad pericula propulsanda impedimur.

SIBI HABEANT: sc. iuvenes; contemptuous, as in Lael. 18 sibi habeant sapientiae nomen Sull. 26 sibi haberent honores, sibi imperia etc.; cf. the formula of Roman divorce, tu tuas res tibi habeto. HASTAS: in practising, the point was covered by a button, pila; cf. Liv. 26, 51 praepilatis missilibus iaculati sunt. CLAVAM: cf.

Stor. vol. xv. pp. 377 to 453. Machiavelli's treatise De re militari, or I libri sull' arte della guerra, was the work of his later life; it was published in 1521 at Florence. Though Machiavelli deserves the credit of this military system, the part of Antonio Giacomini in carrying it into effect must not be forgotten.

Went to Sicily, the first of many visits, to collect evidence in support of his theory identifying the Scheria and Ithaca of the Odyssey with Trapani and the neighbouring Mount Eryx. "L'Origine Siciliana dell' Odissea." Extracted from the Rassegna della Letteratura Siciliana. Ex Voto translated into Italian by Cavaliere Angelo Rizzetti. "Ancora sull' origine dell' Odissea."

'And there you beheld the Signorina Vittoria, who was then bearing the name of Emilia Belloni? 'Which name she changed on her arrival in Italy, illustrious signora, for that of Vittoria Campa "sull' campo dells gloria" ah! ah! her own name being an attraction to the blow-flies in her own country. All this is true. 'It should be a comfort to you! The Signor Mertyrio . . .

Can any one say, after hearing this "Canzonetta sull' aria," that it is unnatural to melodize conversation? With what gracious tact the orchestra gives time to Susanna to set down the words of her mistress! How perfect is the musical reproduction of inquiry and repetition when a phrase escapes the memory of the writer!

Besides, if people are willing to pay for the pleasure of a week of hope, why should they not be allowed to do so? The uneducated as a class ought to contribute to the expenses of governing their country, and the lottery is a sure and convenient way of collecting their contributions. It is literally what it is often called La tassa sull' ignoranza.