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Updated: November 15, 2024
See the lectures of DE AMICIS. Osservazioni sulla questione sociale, Lecce, 1894. LABRIOLA, Il Socialismo, Rome, 1890. G. OGGERO, Il Socialismo, 2nd edition, Milan, 1894. There are, however, certain forms of this mysticism which appeal to our sympathies very strongly. Such forms I will call social mysticism.
One idea, however, still appears to me necessary to complete this Marxian theory, as I remarked in the first edition of my book: Socialismo e criminalit
The remarkable work of Mr. Novicow has recently given a signal confirmation to my opinion, although Novicow has not taken the sexual struggle into account. I will develop my demonstration more fully in the chapter devoted to l'avenir moral de l'humanité (the intellectual future of humanity), in the second edition of Socialismo e Criminalit
In my book Socialismo et Criminalit
As long ago as the first edition of my work Socialismo e Criminalit
Among the numerous publications which, for or against socialism, have appeared in Italy since my Socialismo e scienza positiva which demonstrated the agreement of socialism with the fundamental lines of contemporary scientific thought the book of Baron Garofalo was looked forward to with eager interest.
ICILIO VANNI, La funzione practica della filosofia del diritto considerata in sè e in rapporto al socialismo contemporaneo, Bologne, 1894. The last and the gravest of the contradictions that it is attempted to set up between socialism and the scientific theory of evolution, relates to the question of how socialism, in practice, will be inaugurated and realized.
This is the thesis of COLAJANNI, in Il socialismo, Catane, 1884, P. 277. He errs when he thinks that I combatted this position in my book Socialismo e criminalit
In this sense it is quite true that the utopian illusion of empirical socialism is in opposition to the scientific law of evolution, and, looked at in this way, I combatted it in my book on Socialismo e Criminalit
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