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"I came over to talk to 'Gene and Nelly about some business," Marise said, over her shoulder, to Mrs. Powers, not able to take her eyes from the trio in the drama out there, "but I'd better wait till the tree is down before I speak to them." "'Twon't be long now. 'Gene's been at it quite a while, and he's stavin' away like all possessed.

The second mate stands hard by. "How much water is in?" asks Corkey. "Plenty," says the second mate. "What have ye done?" asks Corkey. "Captain's blind, stavin' drunk, and won't do nothin'." "Nice picnic!" says Corkey. "Nice picnic!" says the second mate, warming up. It is midnight in the middle of Georgian Bay. There is a fall gale such as comes only once in four or five years.

"Reckon that was Gulden's particular pards tryin' to mix it with Cleve an' Cleve tryin' to mix it with them an' ME in between!... I'm here to say, boss, that I had a time stavin' off a scrap." During this rapid exchange between Kells and his lieutenant, Jim Cleve sat on the edge of the table, one dusty boot swinging so that his spur jangled, a wisp of a cigarette in his lips.

"Oh, I don't say as the tent Reddy's got his eye on is a reg'lar one like a real circus has," said Bob slowly and candidly, as he began to draw on the side of the wood-shed a picture of what he probably intended should represent a horse; "but he knows how he can rig one up that'll be big enough, an' look stavin'."

We'll have a stavin' time. Sometime, when I'm flush, I'll return the compliment." So the two boys went. They were at the doors early, and secured a front seat in the gallery. The performance was well adapted to please the taste of a boy, and they enjoyed it exceedingly. Dick was uproarious in his applause whenever a man was killed. "Seems to me you like to see men killed, Dick," said his friend.

The boy pursed his lips. "Wall, no," he exclaimed at last, nonchalantly. "No-o-o! I can't say's it was. We'd both been expectin' it, I reckon. Old Tom, he often sed he knew that some day he'd go and git just blind, stavin' drunk enough to try an' swim the upper rapids and two weeks ago he done so!" And the rest of the words were quite casual.

You'll not only be poor with nobody to support you, but you'll be worse, my dear woman, you'll be disgraced. That's it, just disgraced. I've kept stavin' it off for you, but it's comin' ugly disgrace for you and Marjory." Mrs. Whately looked steadily at him with a face so blanched with grief only a hard-hearted wretch like Judson could have gone on.

He has instead a "stavin'" good mare by the name of Bill. Bill is speedy. She sprang, years ago, from fast stock, as you would know if you held the cultivator behind her.

Old Man Curry, grave and polite, also answered questions. "Isaiah? Oh, yes. Well, now, sir, I'll tell you 'bout this hoss of mine. I figure he's got a stavin' good chance to come second a stavin' good chance.... No, he won't be first." Just before the bugle blew, Mose received his riding orders. "If that mare of Weaver's gets away in front, don't you start chasing her.

And in time, broodin' over things in gen'ral, it got to Hackett Wells in his weak spot, heart, or liver, or something. Didn't quite finish him, you understand, but left him on the scrapheap, just totterin' around and stavin' off an obituary item by bein' mighty careful. "I suppose Gordon must have heard something of the shape he was in," says J. Bayard, "when he included him in his list.