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But there was one in Europe." "No, it wouldn't be either. You must excuse me, Miss Knowles. There was something about your voice and face rather threw me off my balance. If you'll kindly overlook the bungling start-off! I'm greatly pleased to meet you. My wife will be, too. May I ask you to step aboard the car? No, here she is now."

Sally, confronted by Miss Summers's cat-like eyes, which were a gooseberry green, twisted her fingers, and blurted out: "I'm sorry, I got no pinafore. I didn't know I had to have one." She was relieved when Miss Summers smiled and licked her lips. "Well, let's make you one for a start-off. Shall we?" Sally could have fallen down, so astonished was she at this retort.

"They'll do for a start-off, Rosey," he explained, "and I got 'em at my figgers." "But I go out so seldom, father; and a bonnet" "That's so," interrupted Mr. Nott, complacently, "it might be jest ez well for a young gal like yer to appear ez if she did go out, or would go out if she wanted to.

If you fail to rouse a sentiment of goot-will, or confidence, or whatever it may be, at a first start-off it iss not easy to rouse it afterwards. Hev ye not noticed that, Tonal'?"

"If I'm any kind of a smeller and I reckon it's admitted that I am," purred Saunders, "we are walloped before the start-off in every county delegation out on that floor." "But what has been the matter with you fellows all the time?" blazed the boss. "Up to now you have been reporting simply that the soreheads were growling and were not getting together so as to be dangerous."

The purpose is to keep the tree firm and stiff against winds, and to give all its roots close contact with the earth. Properly planted, so that it will not whip or dry out, the tree gets a hold quickly and begins to grow strongly. The first start-off of the tree is important. Apple-trees are held in vigor by plenty of room.

And there's something in her eyes like well, like she was blaming herself for something, and was sorry for him. ... She seems, when she's with him, as if she were trying to make up to him for something and didn't know how." "Readjustment," Lightener grunted. "They jumped into the thing kerplunk. Queer start-off."

Then, in an obvious effort to side-track the issue, "You said you wanted to tell me about your experience." "I do, but it isn't a nice story. Fortunately, it won't take long." He spoke reluctantly. It was not easy to hook two such memories out of the darkest pool of his life and hold them up to a stranger. "Oh, I was a young idiot," he rushed on, "and I suppose I hadn't the proper start-off.

The tap-room was crowded that night, but we all 'ad to pay threepence each coining money, I call it. Some o' the things wot he done was very clever, but a'most from the fust start-off there was unpleasantness.

The puncher had become more taciturn than ever, but missed none of the home evenings in the parlor. He watched Ashton with catlike closeness when Isobel was present, and seemed puzzled that the interloper refrained from courting her. "Don't savvy that tenderfoot," he remarked one day to Knowles. "All his talk about his dad being a multimillionaire Acted like it at the start-off.