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I vonder vas all good out at de 'Little Yankee'? Sapristi! he vas such a funny man to talk he sputter like de champagne ven it uncorked. I laugh at him, but I like him just de same, for he act to me like I vas de lady, de ver' fine lady. I never forget dat. You know him, señorita? So big like a great bear, vis de beautiful red hair like de color of dis dress. No?

"Which way, Jack?" called Frank. "By Jove! You know as much about it as I do," was the reply. "I don't know where we are." "Must be off to the left," declared Frank. "We'll steer that way, anyhow." "All right," said Jack. The engine began to sputter and directly the motorboat moved. "We may as well go this way as another," Frank shouted to make himself heard.

By the time the men tumbled up, Jacka had his helm up, and the Van der Werf, with sheets pinned, was leaning to it and knocking up the unholiest sputter. "All right, my lads. Don't stand glazing at me like stuck pigs. Stand by to slacken sheets. I'm going to gybe her." Well, they obeyed, though not a man of them could guess what he was after.

Glancing from the broken candle at my feet to the one giving its last sputter in the tumbler on the dressing table, I owned myself perplexed. Surely, no ordinary explanation fitted these extraordinary and seemingly contradictory circumstances. I am in some ways hypersensitive.

Fortunately, Maurice made a little diversion by bursting into a laugh. "Well, my friends, you are all simpletons," he exclaimed. "I am not like you, thank fortune! I do not sputter over my soup. Long life to women! Yes, all of them, pretty and otherwise! For, upon my word, there are no ugly ones.

Great flashes of light began to make suddenly visible the tall pillars of the immense mournful palace, and after a long time, absolutely without a sound, save the sputter of enormous torches, an incredibly ghostly body of figures, black-robed from head to foot, with large eyeholes peering fantastically, swayed into the great arch of the hall. Above them was the enormous black coffin.

As he neared the Welles house he heard loud and angry voices. "If I ever catch you touching my can of worms again, I'll I'll " words apparently failed Jack and he began to sputter. "Got him, Jack?" the doctor leaped the hedge lightly and ran diagonally across the lawn to the back of the Welles's house. "Him?" growled Jack in disgust. "Him!

"We have been hoping for a revolution, but had given up the idea until after the war. Your Socialists either eat out of the Kaiser's hand or sputter and fizzle out. And all your able-bodied men are at the front " "But not the women." "The what?" "You have both lived in Germany. You know that German women are big strong creatures what you call husky.

"So Clifford is your man?" "Yes! I took him off my system and sent him down here as soon as I got Kirk's idiotic, impudent letter " The old man began to sputter with indignation. "What d'you think he wrote me, Mrs. Cortlandt? He had the impudence to turn down a good job I offered him because 'his wife might not like our climate! Imagine! And I had positively begged him to come back on any terms.

Greasewood, or creasote bush as it is sometimes called on account of its pungent odor, grows freely on the desert, but has little or no value and cattle will not touch it. Like many other desert plants it is resinous and if thrown into the fire, the green leaves spit and sputter while they burn like hot grease in a frying pan.