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"He's firm in the saddle; he'll ride easy to the day he drinks himself to death, thanks to this sudden complaisance of Governor and Commissary!" "Thanks to" cried the other sourly, and gave the thanks where they were due. Haward heard the words, but even in the act of quickening his pace to lay a heavy hand upon the speaker's shoulder a listlessness came upon him, and he forbore.

You'd better ride to town with me and bring back the horse." Bud nodded and, breaking the Colts one after another, pocketed the shells and dropped the weapons into a near-by bunk. "Yuh needn't bother to do that," commented McCabe sourly. "Nobody ain't goin' to drill no holes in yuh; we're only too tickled to see yuh get out. If you're wise, kid, you'll stay away, likewise.

"Experiments have been made with the wurali of the Macusis," he stated. "It was tried on a hog, a sloth and a sloth is mighty hard to kill also on mules, and on a full-grown ox weighing almost half a ton. It killed every one of them." A momentary silence followed. Tim gazed sourly at the arrow, now harmless but still sinister. "Urrrgh!" he growled.

"So, then," the resourceful boy continued, "f'r instance, if you give this ole horn to me, that'd prove it was yours, and Sam'd haf to say it was, and he wouldn't have any right to " "I won't do it!" said Roddy sourly. "I don't want to give you that horn. What I want to give you anything at all for?" Penrod sighed, as if the task of reaching Roddy's mind with reason were too heavy for him.

Ogilvy, who listened to their formal phrases solemnly and accepted their hand-shakes with a dry chuckle. "Ay, grin away, sir," the mortified dominie of Thrums said to him sourly, "the joke is on your side." "You are right, sir," replied Mr. Ogilvy, mysteriously, "the joke is on my side, and the best of it is that not one of you knows what the joke is!" And then an odd thing happened.

When they had set him down, the knights that were with the king knew him for Sir Kay the seneschal, and Sir Kay looked sourly about him, and bade those that carried him take him to his pallet and fetch a leech, and not stand gaping like fools. 'How now, said Sir Gawaine, 'who hath tumbled thee, Sir Kay?

"No, sir, not with a woodsman's vocabulary, though with such a text I certainly should have felt the true inspiration." "You'll have to claim considerable political foresight, even though you cast doubt on your eloquence," said Linton, rather sourly. "I'll confess that I jumped wrong. But I had my interests to protect.

Then suddenly, quite close to her on the other side of the planking, sounded a whisper, and Huldah never knew afterwards whether she was most frightened or relieved frightened by the nearness of somebody, or relieved that the somebody was not her "uncle." "Bill, where's the sack?" the voice asked, impatiently. "I dunno!" answered another voice, sourly. "You had it.

"It is? Good. I'll be gone for a while; tell the others I have something to attend to." "What's happened now?" Dunmore asked sourly. "Just what I was speaking about. The Gestapo gathered up Pierre Jarrett; they seem to have gotten the idea, now, that the motive may have been competition for the collection.

It seemed as if this particular charnel-house harbored some grisly thing which stood between him and food and warmth and hope; the nearer he drew to it the greater grew his dread. A discourteous man, shrunken as if from the chill of the place, was hunched up in front of a glowing stove. He greeted Anderson sourly: "Out into that courtyard; turn to the left second door," he directed.