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Well, seh, I nuvver 'specks to hyah tell Judgment sich a soun' ez de folks set up. Ole missis she jes' drapt down on her knees in de mud an' prayed out loud.

This time I was allowed to keep my seat in peace. The coach drove awa, an' me alang wi't; an', in twal hours thereafter, I fand mysel in my faither's hoose, safe and soun', after a' that had happened me.

She safe an' soun'. Jes' yuh come in de back way, an' I'll git yuh some dry things. An' Sylvy won't say nothin'. I jes' know she wont, an' yuh can git dry by de kitchen fire. I reckon Miss Flo'ence mighty 'shamed o' herse'f, kickin' up all dis rumpus 'bout nothin'." But Dimple shook her head. "It wasn't about nothing. I behaved just as mean as could be, and I'm the one to be ashamed.

I slipped arter her down de starway an' listen, an' I know she gwine ter put de light in de winder. Den she go to her room again. "A long time pass, an' I hear no soun'. De house was so still dat I done got afeard, knowin' dere was mischief up.

The unfortunate man began to sneeze, and manifest rather convulsive signs of recovery. At last he blurted out, "Dar now, dar now, Aun' Sheba, doan go on so. I'se gwine to bring in de kinlins right smart" "Bress de Lawd!" exclaimed Aun' Sheba, "dat soun' nat'rel. No popoplexy in dat ar kin' ob talk." Tobe and his allies exchanged significant glances.

"Yis, Capting, thet's Sarmiento, an' nary doubt of it," pursues the old sealer. "I'd reck'noise thet mountin 'mong a millyun. "Why?" inquires the Captain, dubiously. "'Kase it ain't a bay at all; but the entrance to a soun' bearin' the name o' `Whale-Boat Soun'. An' thet's open water too, communicatin' wi' another known ez `Darwin Soun'' the which larst leads right inter the Beagle Channel."

"Joe Cumberland is sleepin' soun'," he answered. "He'll be a pile rested when he wakes up. He don't need me no more." "He's not the only one who needs you," said Byrne. "His daughter has been waiting impatiently for your coming, sir." The sharp glance of Barry wavered away. "I'd kind of like to stay," he murmured, "but I got to go." A dull voice called from the next room.

This was a lassie wi' black hair, and e'en like the new wood the minister has his dinner-table, wi' the fine name what ca' ye that, now?" "Mahogany?" said I. "Ay, it has some sic fremit soun'," said old Elspie, rather scornfully. 'Tis the finest thing going for keeping a lassie in gude health, and it suld be drinkit in the spring. Atweel, what's her name wi' the copper-colourit e'en?"

When I put in dat fif'-cent you gi' me, he jumped like a pin had stick him. I dropped 't in so 't would soun', I tell you!" This gave Mrs. Graeme an idea, and she encouraged her to go again the following Sunday, and this time gave her a dollar to put in the plate. "Be sure and drop it in so it will sound," she said to her. "I 'm gwine to."

As soon as the woman's back was turned, Joe burst out, "There, there! see what you 've done with your damned foolishness." Fannie turned on him like a tigress. "Don't you cuss hyeah befo' me; I ain't nevah brung you up to it, an' I won't stan' it. Go to dem whaih you larned it, an whaih de wo'ds soun' sweet." The boy started to speak, but she checked him.