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"Well well, sah," said Wash, "if dat Shanghai don't come back befo', I shall hab ter go snoopin' aroun' de kentry a-huntin' fo' him. He'll be crowin' 'bout sun-up, an' he suah can't disguise his crow." "If Andy was here, he would surely want to go with us," declared Jack to Mark. "Andy Sudds isn't afraid of anything." "My! my!" cried Washington.

First ther durned gray-backs they come snoopin' up yere, an' run off all my horgs; then ther blame blue-bellies come 'long an' cut down every lick o' my corn fodder, so thet I'll be cussed if I ain't 'bout ready ter fight either side. Anyhow I ain't did no fightin' yit worth talkin' 'bout, fer Mariar is pow'ful feared I'd git hurt." Maria regarded him scornfully. "Hiding out, I suppose?"

While these statements were supplied by wholly unsupported witnesses, it was a very human weakness of Rattlers Ridge that the responsibility of corroboration was passed to the dog himself, and HE was looked upon as a consummate liar. "Snoopin' round yere, and CALLIN' yourself a poker sharp, are ye!

I expect his merry little idea is that they might get their heads together, steal the map showin' where all that pirate gold is buried, murder the rest of us, and dig up the loot themselves. Something like that. Anyway, Rupert is always snoopin' around, bobbin' out unexpected and pussy-footin' up behind you when you're talkin' to anyone.

"They made trouble for me an' my partner, but I guess th' airship has scared 'em sufficient, so they won't come snoopin' down here," and Abe fell to at his digging again. Mr. Damon was also vigorously wielding a pick, but Mr. Parker like the true scientist he was, had renewed his observations.

When de Yankees come snoopin' long de East Sho' I reck'n maybe it des a yeah after dat time when we done buried de ol' Co'nel dey burned Missus Caton's house clah to de groun'; de ol' Missus was in Richmond den, an' de few niggers left jest natchally took to de woods. I went into Richmond huntin' de ol' Missus, but, Lawd, Massa Jack, I nebber foun' nuthin' ob her in dat crowd.

"Miss Betty's at the church now gettin' married!" announced Marie uppishly, "and you'd best be gettin' out of here right away, for the wedding party's due to arrive any minute now and madam'll be very angry to have a servant as doesn't belong snoopin' round at such a time!" "Be still, Marie! For shame!" cried Aileen.

"I've been cookin' for cow-camps ever since I got my knee stiffened up so's't I couldn't ride and that's sixteen year ago last Fourth and it's the first time I ever had any darned foreman go snoopin' around my back door to see if I scrape out the cans clean!"

When he came to the stepping-stones on his way to his hillside, he was struck by a sudden thought, and paused. "I'd just better take a hike down-stream a ways," he said. "There's no tellin' what cuss may be snoopin' around." But he crossed over on the stones, and with a "I really oughter take that hike," the need of the precaution passed out of his mind and he fell to work.

"They've got that 'ere moose in their packs," Solomon whispered. "Now keep yer eye peeled. They'll be snoopin' eround here to git our share. You see." In half a moment, Jack's rifle spoke, followed by the loud yelp of a wolf well away from the firelight. "Uh, huh! You warmed the wax in his ear, that's sart'in;" said Solomon as Jack was reloading. "Did ye hear him say 'Don't'?"