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"In that case, wouldn't he be livin' in ther hut instead of snoopin' round the island?" asked Zeb. This view seemed to be incontrovertible. At noon the professor, who had been scouting over the island looking for specimens which might give him some clue as to the mineral deposits they had come in search of, arrived in camp breathless and indignant.

Stubbs, who wouldn't go to the Hightown Hotel because there was a play actress thar, has been snoopin' round here twice since that young feller came." Of this fact, however, Mr. Hamlin was blissfully unconscious. Nevertheless, his temper was growing uncertain; the angle of his smart straw hat was becoming aggressive to strangers; his politeness sardonic.

Burroughs, apparently disconcerted by the intrusion of a third party Leonidas upon what was evidently a private inquiry, murmured something surlily, and passed out. Leonidas was puzzled. That big man seemed to be "snoopin'" around for something!

"Hah! ... What you mean, girl, runnin' like a streak right down on us? You're actin' queer these days, an' you look queer. I'm not likin' it." "Reckon these are queer times for the Jorths," replied Ellen, sarcastically. "Daggs found strange horse tracks crossin' the meadow," said her father. "An' that worried us. Some one's been snoopin' round the ranch.

"If any of the newspaper boys come snoopin' around, you never saw me, either. Much obliged, Lieutenant." "You're welcome, Mr. Lightener. Glad I kin accommodate you." Lightener pushed Bonbright into his limousine. "You don't want to go home, I guess. We'll go to my house. Mother'll see you get breakfast. ... Then we'll have a talk.... Here's a paper boy; let's see what's doing."

Breck cleared his throat timidly and replied. "I was just trying to buy some grub." "What with?" "Dust, of course." "Where'd you get it?" Breck did not answer. "He's ben snoopin' around up the Stewart," a man volunteered. "I run across his camp a week ago when I was huntin'. An' I want to tell you he was almighty secretious about it." "The dust didn't come from there," Breck said.

I figgered that if it had bumped off Miller, I wouldn't want to be carting around with me, any longer than I had to, several hundred yards of rope and twine, like you said he had to have. Not with troopers snoopin' around and asking questions mebbe that might be hard to answer. "I asks myself what would I do with it?

Agatha, almost against her will, was forced to meet his seriousness half-way. "I don't know what you mean," she said. "Tell 'em!" he burst out. "Tell 'em the whole story. Tell that blamed snoopin' manager that I'm a crook and a kidnapper, and then he'll stop nosing round after me. I'll have an hour's start, and that's all I want. Dogging a man running him down under his own automobile!"

What he's snoopin' around in Ameriky fur, givin' away great big patches uh country he never seen, I ain't askin'. Californy belongs to the United States of Ameriky, and the United States of Ameriky lets her citizens make homes for themselves and their families on land that ain't already in use. If Mr.

If he did an' he yered de rumpus dese rapscallions kicked up yes dat's you I'm talkin' to" and he looked toward the dogs "he'll be roun' yere 'fo' ye gits fru yo' bre'kfus'. Dey do say as how Marse Harry's mighty sweet in dat quarter. Mister Langdon Willits's snoopin' roun' too, but Miss Kate ain't got no use fer him. He ain't quality dey say."