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In the midst of this mournful spot was a decayed and aged little "frame" house with but one room, one window, and no ceiling it had been a smoke-house a generation before. Nicodemus was given this lonely and ghostly den as a bedchamber. The village smarties recognized a treasure in Nicodemus, right away a butt to play jokes on. It was easy to see that he was inconceivably green and confiding.

If you spread a net here, do you catch legitimate suckers in it, such as the Lord intended to be caught fresh guys who know it all, sports with a little coin and the nerve to play another man's game, street crowds out for the fun of dropping a dollar or two and village smarties who know just where the little pea is?

"Fixing smarties is different," said Pepsy. "If people have something the matter with their hips you can't fix them. Because, anyway, if they're going to die on a Friday even snail water won't fix them." "Snail water, what's that?" "It's medicine made from snails; Licorice Stick knows how to make it. You have to stir it with a willow stick and then you get well quick."

While we were panting out our story, we heard Will snickering behind the door. "So there, smarties! You'll believe what I tell you next time. You bet ter had!" But he liked best to invade our play-room and "work magic" on our dolls. Mother had set aside one apartment in our large log house for a play-room, and here each one of our doll families dwelt in peace and harmony, when Will wasn't around.

Seems to me it would be a pretty good joke if I'd turn the tables on those two smarties." "How can you, Patty?" "I haven't quite thought it out yet, but I have an idea." "But, Patty, wait a minute. Perhaps they only changed the date on yours, just to fool you, you know." "Good gracious, Nan! perhaps that's so! How did you come to think of it? But I'll soon find out."

Well, what do these smarties do but fill up Scruggs with the idea that the best way to make himself forever solid with me was to stroll down close to my tent and casually let off 'Bingen on the Rhine' in his best style.

Hurry up, now, and give me a chance to see who are the `smarties' among you!" With low growls of disgust at such rude and untimely disturbance of their slumbers the fourteen occupants of the forecastle rolled unwillingly out of their bunks and proceeded to scramble into their garments, most of them anathematising the sea life generally, and their present ship in particular.

"Well, you want to watch out. You're the smarties that tried to drown Bentley, ain't you?" "Who said we ever tried to drown any one?" demanded Cleo, stepping up to the girl, whose bare feet looked almost black, and whose short hair stood around her face with the wildest effect almost Fiji, the girls thought.

"How will now do?" roared Fred Ripley, throwing the shack door open before Greg could drop the bar in place. "So you young smarties managed to free yourselves, did you? And you thought you'd find a way to put a trick over on us? You'll have to take to getting up earlier in the day, if you expect to get the better of any crowd that I'm leading."

He was quite shrewd enough to realise his own entire ignorance of many subjects, and he had the pride which prevented his being willing to commit himself. "I ain't nothin' but a ole nigger," he used to say. "I ain't had no eddication like some er dese yere smarties what kin read an' cipher an' do de double shuffle in de copy-book. Matt ain't never rub his back 'gin no college wall.