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So that was the base thing you have been imagining in your heart, as you rode through the North Country, and that was the spur that drave you home with such haste to guard your honor as a husband, and to put to shame an adulterous wife? Pardon me if I was slow in catching your meaning, the charge has taken me somewhat by surprise."

So he talked to her, as to a child, as the wounded boy and the wounded sheep slowly made their way up the steep hillside and over the rough rocks. It was not a long way, and, half an hour before, the sturdy shepherd lad would have bounded over it quickly enough. But now the wounded leg was slow, the wounded arm was weak, and the wounded lamb seemed very heavy.

He was now twelve hours behind his schedule and possessed of sixty thousand dollars less than he should have. At nine o'clock to-morrow morning that deficit would begin to pile up again at the rate of five thousand dollars an hour. By comparison their auto seemed slow, and he spoke to the driver about it.

Instantly the old man's mind flashed back to what he had heard only a week before, which he had told Code. He stood looking after the stranger as though spell-bound, his slow mind groping vainly for some explanation of his presence in Freekirk Head.

"I want to go slow so as to avoid side weight but I don't want to go too slow." "I see," said Phoebe. "Well, then, how many times a minute did the future man take you when you whirled back five weeks?" "'Bout two times a minute." "That's one hundred and twenty times every hour. Did you feel much side weight then?" "Scarcely any." "Well, let's see.

The board, in spite of all that our handful of revolutionaries could do, has armed Uncle Sidney with almost dictatorial powers in this stock-purchasing deal; and if he doesn't contrive to strangle things by the slow process, it will be simply and solely because you and Kenneth and I are here to see that he does not. Do you know what the men call him out on the main line?

If you haven't a joyful match handy to scratch and make an instant blaze, you can start one with the slow rubbing sticks of sorrow. But either one will kindle the torch that you can pass on to others. I see it now!" "You certainly have put it in a nutshell!" said Nyoda. "So now I'm going home," continued Katherine, "and tackle the housekeeping the way I used to go at my lessons.

They saw that this ideal was still in the future, and that progress might be slow and difficult, but they were pledged in their souls to pursue it. And, with that purpose at heart, they were ready to maintain the national unity at whatever cost.

We occupied ourselves at first with the language of signs. Nothing escaped his eager intellect; he complained only of my slow explanations. "I understand, I understand," he would cry; "something else, my dear sir, something else, I'm not a fool." I certainly had no idea of such quickness of apprehension. "The Slavonians learn quickly," said I, "and forget quickly too."

There was a stiff and stately grace in her movements, a slow ceremoniousness, in her politeness to her guests, which seemed to harmonize with the seventeenth-century setting of the moat-house garden. At the moment the ladies were discussing an event which had been arranged for that night: a country drive, to be followed by a musical evening and dance.