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It was so funny to see them sidling about him, all of them wagging their tails. He was the master, come among the slaves. But to think that even Doctor Krummlaut should sidle! There's a most terrific extra noise going on outside. I can hardly hear myself write. I don't know whether to run and find out what it is, or retreat to the bathroom.

Ashe stood looking reflectively into the fire as he waited for his charges. "Mere words fail to express my admiration," he laughed, bowing to the sextette of pretty girls, who smilingly nodded their appreciation of his speech. "Isn't he a perfect angel?" asked Mabel, sidling up to him and slipping within the circle of his arm. "I don't see how I ever had the heart to go to college and leave him."

"Pausing and peering, with sidling head, As saucily questioning all I said; While the ox-eye danced on its slender stem, And all glad Nature rejoiced with them." The chewink is a curious exchange for the robin. I did miss his voice in the morning chorus, the one who lived in the grove was not much of a singer, but I was glad to know the chewink, who was almost a stranger.

Phil approaches in his usual way, sidling off at first as if he were going anywhere else and then bearing down upon his commander like a bayonet-charge. Certain splashes of white show in high relief upon his dirty face, and he scrapes his one eyebrow with the handle of the brush. "Attention, Phil! Listen to this." "Steady, commander, steady." "'Sir.

At almost the exact moment when Sam, sidling through the windows of the drawing-room, slid into the cupboard behind the piano, Mrs. Hignett was standing at the Customs barrier telling the officials that she had nothing to declare. Mrs. Hignett was a general who believed in forced marches.

While thus engaged, he heard a small, shrill, plaintive sort of cry, as of a little child, coming from somewhere above him; when, casting up his eyes, he beheld a large raccoon sidling round a limb, and seemingly winking and nodding down towards him.

"Maddum can wear anything or nothing!" declared Beer triumphantly. That night, Warble, her hands behind her, wafted into Petticoat's room. He sat on the edge of his bed, running lingerie ribbons in his underwear. "I'll stay, always," Warble said, sidling up to him. "And I'm happy. But..." "Look out! Don't let the cat get that bolt of ribbon to play with!"

Through any crowd that man will come sidling towards me, ruthless and irresistible as fate; while I, foreknowing my doom, sidle also him- wards, and flatter myself that no sign of my inward apprehension has escaped me. Supreme Occasions Men are seldom more commonplace than on supreme occasions.

Christopher shouted, and hastened on to pass Simon, going quite close to his right side thereby, and as he did so, he saw steel flashing in his hand, and turned sidling to guard him, but ere he could do aught Simon drave a broad dagger into his side, and then turned about and fled the way they had come, so far as he knew how.

It's jist a bit plea that I've gotten," said the man, laying a hand on the horse's neck and sidling along close to his rider's knee. "For onny advice on kittle points o' law, ye maun go to counsel, my friend. I'm a judge, no' an advocate. Gude e'en to ye."