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or the slain warrior who, while "lying on his bleeding breast," contrives to "stare ghastly and grimly on the skies." As to this last exploit, we can only say, as Dante did on a similar occasion, "Forse per forza gia di' parlasia Si stravolse cosi alcun del tutto Ma io nol vidi, ne credo che sia."

If I do stay at home in a country curacy, 'tis not much that you need be jealous of me with her, I reckon," said Jack, with a pathetical glance at his own stomach. "Sia!" said Cary: "but if he be admitted, it must be done according to the solemn forms and ceremonies in such cases provided. Take him into the next room, Amyas, and prepare him for his initiation."

He insisted on knowing the reason, and found out what had happened. Angrily he reproached his wife. She raised objections and did not wish to admit that she had been in the wrong. Finally Sia said: "It is better to have no wife at all than one who gives her mother-in-law no pleasure. What can the old frog do to me after all, if I anger him, save call misfortunes upon me and take my life!"

The windows are illuminated. Che la Bella Principessa sia ammazata! Che il signore abbate sia ammazata! The crowd, become emboldened, because at this hour horses and carriages are forbidden, hurl themselves in all directions. At length there is no other pleasure than that of tumult and disorder.

Then the people living in it become terrified, slaughter a cow and offer it as a sacrifice. Thus the god is mollified and nothing further happens. In that part of the country there once lived a youth named Sia Kung-Schong. He was handsome and intelligent. When he was some six or seven years of age, a serving-maid dressed in green entered his home.

The concluding sermon is a general benediction, summed up in the words: 'la pace sia con voi! Throngs of hearers accompany the preacher to the next city, and there listen for a second time to the whole course of sermons.

He confirmed my knowledge of a truth which I had found out before, namely, that the very lines which most readers believe to have flowed easily from the poet's pen are generally those which he has had the greatest difficulty in composing. "Which of your operas," I enquired, "do you like best?" "'Attilio Regolo; ma questo non vuol gia dire che sia il megliore'."

Instead of resentment joy now filled the whole house. And after that time the princess was especially peaceable. Two whole years passed without an angry word being said. But the princess had a great dislike for snakes. Once, by way of a joke, young Sia put a small snake into a parcel, which he gave her and told her to open. She turned pale and reproached him.

Here is a still more palpable adaptation: ... So God ordains: God is thy law, thou mine. . . . . Un voler sia d' entrambi, E quel' uno di noi, di Dio sia tutto. Here is another translation: . . . inclino il ciclo Giu ne la terra, e questa al Ciel innalza. And Earth be changed to Heaven, and Heaven to Earth.