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Updated: January 19, 2025
He has done his best, I suppose. It's unlucky, that's all." And then the breakfast was continued in silence. "I don't know what he's to do," said the father, after awhile; "he'll have to take a curacy, I suppose." "I thought he meant to stop up at Oxford and take pupils," said Mary. "I don't know that he can get pupils now. Besides, he'll not have a fellowship to help him."
Miss Felicia's glance was of timid, slightly distressed, enquiry. "Yes," she said, "Mr. Wace has applied for the curacy. He and General Frayling were to have an interview with Canon Horniblow this afternoon. They dropped Mrs. Frayling here on their way to the vicarage, and sent the fly back for her. She talked a great deal about Mr. Wace and his immense wish to come here.
If I do stay at home in a country curacy, 'tis not much that you need be jealous of me with her, I reckon," said Jack, with a pathetical glance at his own stomach. "Sia!" said Cary: "but if he be admitted, it must be done according to the solemn forms and ceremonies in such cases provided. Take him into the next room, Amyas, and prepare him for his initiation."
The weeks passed and seemed to bring him no light, only increased earnestness in the search after it. Some assurance he must find soon, else he would resign his curacy, and look out for a situation as tutor. Of course all this he ought to have gone through long ago! But how can a man go through anything till his hour be come?
The latter holds that had Sterling’s health permitted him to remain in the Church, he would have escaped those aberrations from orthodoxy, which, in the clerical view, are to be regarded as the failure and shipwreck of his career, apparently thinking, like that friend of Arnold’s who recommended a curacy as the best means of clearing up Trinitarian difficulties, that “orders” are a sort of spiritual backboard, which, by dint of obliging a man to look as if he were strait, end by making him so.
Nicholls again took up the curacy, and the marriage was celebrated on June 29, 1854. Henceforward the doors of home are closed upon her married life. On March 31, 1855, she died before she had attained to motherhood, her last recorded words to her husband being: "We have been so happy."
And so on, and so on. I spare you all particulars, and you see that I am alive to tell the tale. It made things a little difficult at H . I got away as soon as I could and met with another curacy in this place, and I write to you on the evening of my arrival.
Now and then, too, there was a castle in the air of a home for little Maura at Alexis's future curacy. Kalliope seemed to look to working for life for poor mother, while Theodore should cultivate his art. Oftener the two recalled old adventures and scenes of their regimental days, and discussed the weddings of the two Indian sisters.
In the curacy already described, noises were made enough to waken a parish, but no form was ever seen. Briefly, for this ghost there is a cloud of witnesses, all solemnly signing their depositions. These two examples are at the opposite poles between which ghostly manifestations vary, in haunted houses.
Then I won't say but what you may be right to try and begin now. But, law! what am I talking of? I am old enough to be your mother." "I think it so kind of you to talk to me at all." "Well, now about Mr Maguire. I don't think he's possessed of much of the fat of the land; but that you say you know already?" "Oh yes, I know all that." "And it seems he has lost his curacy?"
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