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So wild was he, yesterday it was a week, so black mad wid somethin' I'd said to him and somethin' that shlipped from me hand at his head, that he turns his back on me, throws opin the dure, shteps out into the shnow, and shtandin' there alone, he curses the wide wurruld oh, dear Misther Garon, he cursed the wide wurruld, shtandin' there in the snow!

"A quare chap is Yorkey," he continued gently shielding a match-flame and puffing with noisy respiration "a good polisman knows th' Criminal Code from A tu Z eyah! but mighty quare. I misdoubt how th' tu av yez will get along." He sighed deeply, muttering half to himself, "I may have tu take shteps this time! . . ." A rather ominous beginning, thought George.

'I must take shteps! says he, and 'I will take shteps! and when he starts in softly rubbing those awful great grub-hooks he calls hands together! . . . well! you want to look out." Lighting a cigarette he resumed reminiscently: "They were a tough crowd to handle up in the Yukon. The devil himself 'd have been scared to butt in to that 'Soapy Smith' gang; but, by gum! they were afraid of Slavin.

All quiet as a lamb. Thin, bold loike, I shteps into the room, and nearly drops wid the shcare I have on me in a minute. The room was dark as a b'aver hat, sorr, but in different shpots ranged round in the chairs was six little red balls of foire!" "Barney!" I cried. "Thrue, sorr," said he. "And tobacky shmoke rollin' out till you'd 'a' t'ought there was a foire in a segyar-store!

She was willing to work early and late to help his mamma make his small suits and keep them in order. "'Ristycratic, is it?" she would say. "Faith, an' I'd loike to see the choild on Fifth Avey-NOO as looks loike him an' shteps out as handsome as himself.

So wild was he, yesterday it was a week, so black mad wid somethin' I'd said to him and somethin' that shlipped from me hand at his head, that he turns his back on me, throws opin the dure, shteps out into the shnow, and shtandin' there alone, he curses the wide wurruld oh, dear Misther Garon, he cursed the wide wurruld, shtandin' there in the snow!

Dey eat mit refolfers; dey schleep mit refolfers; dey hunt, dey quarrel, unt sometimes dey shoot each odder de best enactionment vot dey do. Bud dey do nod shoot at ladies nefer." "Will they wear their revolvers at the dance?" asked Beth, overhearing this speech. "I belief id," said Dan'l, wagging his ancient head. "Dey like to be ready to draw quick like, if anybody shteps on anybody's toes.

What 'shteps' would you take?" Slavin stared at his tormentor, blankly, a moment. "Shteps?" he ejaculated sharply, "fwhat shteps?" . . . He leant back with a fervent sigh and softly rubbed his huge hands together. "Long wans, avick! . . . eyah, d d long wans, begorrah!" Many Drunks now realizing that he was merely the victim of a joke, scowled in turn upon Yorke.

"I'll have to 'take shteps, as Burke says, and discipline you a bit, young fellow-me-lad! I don't wonder the old man pulled you in from Gleichen. Come to think of it, why, you're the bright boy that they say well-nigh started a mutiny down Regina! We heard a rumour about it up here. Say, what was that mix-up, Reddy?" George chuckled vaingloriously. "All over old 'Laddie'," he said.

Oh, I do hope Robert has brought some money home with him so that we can buy some food for tomorrow." "Where'sh the shteps? Somebody alwaysh moving the shteps," said the father, Robert Slessor, as he staggered drunkenly to the door. Mother Slessor took hold of him and led him to a chair. "Hello, dear," he said thickly. "Howsh my, besht gurl?