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Appleyard then we'll come over to you. Don't take any notice of us." The four detectives went off into Hyde Park, and there separated in couples; the chief turned and went along the straight path which runs parallel with Bayswater Road just within the shrubberies of Kensington Gardens.

A large willow overhung this unmistakable relic of the ancient abbey. There was an air of antiquity, romance, legend about this spot, so abruptly disclosed amidst the delicate green of the young shrubberies. But it was not the ruined wall nor the Gothic well that chained my footstep and charmed my eye. It was a solitary human form, seated amidst the mournful ruins.

I fancied myself again engaged in all the pursuits of our much-loved home; I was playing the harp, you were accompanying me on the piano as usual; we walked out in the shrubberies; we took an airing in the carriage; all the servants were before me; we went to the villages and to the almshouses; we were in the garden picking dahlias and roses; I was just going up to dress for a very large dinner-party, and had rung the bell for Simpson, when I woke up, and found myself in a log-hut, with my eyes fixed upon the rafters and bark covering of the roof, thousands of miles from Wexton Hall, and half an hour longer in bed than a dairy-maid should be."

He flung down his pen, and took his wife in his arms for an instant. "Yes," he said in answer to her look, "it's all right, darling I can manage anything with you near me, looking like that that's all I want!" They went out into the garden with its frost-crisped grass and leafless shrubberies, with the high-standing down behind.

I walked into the heart of the shrubberies two or three times, not seeing a step before me, till I came out upon the broader carriage-road, where the trees opened a little, and there was a faint gray glimmer of sky visible, under which the great limes and elms stood darkling like ghosts; but it grew black again as I approached the corner where the ruins lay.

The netting-box, just leisurely drawn forth, was closed with joyful haste, and she was ready to attend him in a moment. "And when they had gone over the house, he promised himself moreover the pleasure of accompanying her into the shrubberies and garden." She curtsied her acquiescence. "But perhaps it might be more agreeable to her to make those her first object.

He may rise with the dawn, and hear nothing like the glorious morning chorus that stirs one in the Atlantic States. He may search the trees and shrubberies for long June days, and not find so many nests as will cluster about one cottage at home. Yet the birds are here, but they are shy, and they possess the true Colorado spirit, they are mountain-worshipers.

He had sketched the history of the little estate. "It is so unlucky," ran the monologue, "that money wasn't put into it about fifty years ago. Then it had four five times the land thirty acres at least. One could have made something out of it then a small park, or at all events shrubberies, and rebuilt the house farther away from the road. What's the good of taking it in hand now?

It was therefore decided that the hounds should again be put through the Bragton shrubberies, just for compliment to the new squire; and that then they should go off to Dillsborough Wood as rapidly as might be. Larry walked his beast all the way up home very slowly, and getting off her, put her into the stable and went into the house. "Is anything wrong?" asked the mother. "Everything is wrong."

I stood up, quickly, and looked over the parapet. In the moonlight, it seemed as though the shrubberies were alive. They tossed hither and thither, as though shaken by a strong, irregular wind; while a continuous rustling, and a noise of scampering feet, rose up to me. Several times, I saw the moonlight gleam on running, white figures among the bushes, and, twice, I fired.