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It is after one of the quarterly dinners of the Midland Branch of the British Medical Association. Twenty coffee cups, a dozer liqueur glasses, and a solid bank of blue smoke which swirls slowly along the high, gilded ceiling gives a hint of a successful gathering. But the members have shredded off to their homes.

"Buonespoir, art thou damned by muscadella?" he murmured. "But thou art purged of the past, Bono Publico," answered the fool. "Since Delicio hath looked upon thee she hath shredded the Tyburn lien upon thee thou art flushed like a mountain spring; and conspirators shall fall down by thee if thou, passant, dost fall by conspirators in the way. Bono Publico, thou shalt live by good company.

I fear cows. I have great alarm before them." "I forgive you," Polly was weak with mirth. "But we've got to get into that house and telephone for some one to come out from town and take us home. We could never walk in these roads, and I should tie myself all up in knots if I walked in this shredded skirt. One more little spurt, Frieda, and we're at the kitchen door!"

One pound seedless raisins; one pound dried currants; one pound stale bread crumbs; one-half pound finely chopped beef suet; one-fourth pound shredded citron; eight eggs; one quart milk; one-half cup sugar; mace or nutmeg; one gill of brandy; one teaspoon salt; eggs well beaten and put in last; raisins floured before stirring in. Boil gently five hours without stopping.

The king, 'tis said, escapes, but hardly, by the plains of Thrace and the toilsome ways, and behind him he leaves his first-fruits sailors unburied on the shores of Salamis. Then grieve, sting yourselves to grief, make heaven echo, howl like dogs for the horror, for they are battered together by the terrible waters, they are shredded to pieces by the voiceless children of the Pure.

It was a kind of haggis, called by the Amerindians "biati", made with the blood of the reindeer, a good quantity of fat shredded small, some of the tenderest of the flesh, together with the heart and lungs, cut, or more commonly torn, into small slivers all which would be put into the stomach, and roasted by being suspended before the fire by a string.

And the cigars made out of rags and shredded toothpicks " "Here, have a cigarette," suggested the youngest doctor. But the man was too busy in working out his own thoughts. "The whole thing," he continued, "is a mixture of a morgue and a hospital only those places have running water, and people in white aprons to tidy things up. And a battle Three days under bombardment, living in the cellar.

It is not that they originally stood in a woodland; but when the village is a mere heap of foundations powdered white the only relic of it left standing erect, if you except a battered wall or two, is the shredded trunks and stumps of trees which once made the gardens or orchards or hedges behind the houses.

Wash well, fill with hot water, add a half-pound washing soda, and let stand a day. Empty, rinse three times, and wipe dry. Thus you make end to potential molds and microbes. Do this in early spring. Put into the jar, a quart of good brandy and a tablespoonful of mixed spices any your taste approves, also a little finely shredded yellow peel of lemons and oranges.

"I yelled at the top of my lungs to Ferguson to shut off the engine, but the roar of the machinery drowned my voice. And there I stood, up to the elbow and feeding right on in. Yes, it did hurt. There were some astonishing twinges when special nerves were shredded and dragged out by the roots. But I remember that I was surprised at the time that it did not hurt worse.