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Clara left the room a few moments, and then she said: "Ain't she jist a angel; she's give me the beautifullest real lace collar for myself, and three solid linen shirts for our minister; said per'aps she should'nt go over; and two or three pieces of money for his wife, and a real beautiful linen table-cloth; you don't care if I take 'em, do you?" "Oh, no!" I said, "Mrs.

"Ayse oophaud it!" grinned Timothy, seeing at once that he should gain his point. "Well! well! I don't care about it; will Minthorne let us put up the beasts in his barn, Tom?" "Let us! let us!" exclaimed the fat man; "by gad I'd like to see Joe Minthorne, or any other of his breed, a tellin' me I should'nt put my cattle where I pleased; jest let me ketch him at it!"

I should'nt ha' dreamt of such a thing. "Artful 'Arry played with 'is stick a little, and stood looking at 'im with a horrible look on 'is face. "''Ow am I to know you're speaking the truth? he ses, very slow. 'Eh? 'Ow can you prove it? "'If it was the last word I was to speak I'd say the same, ses Uncle Dick. 'I tell you, I am as innercent as a new-born babe.

Old Scowley, you know, is'nt agreeable, at least, I should'nt think she was; and Miss Sallianna is all the time, I reckon, with Mr. Jinks. I did'nt see any scholars with Redbud; but there ARE some there, because you know Redbud's pigeon had a paper round his neck, with some words on it, all about how 'Fanny' had given him to her; and so there's a 'Fanny' somewhere don't you think so?

Its generally allowed there aint the beat of them to be found any where. Spry as a fox, supple as an eel, and cute as a weasel. Though I say it that should'nt say it, they fairly take the shine off creation they are actilly equal to cash.

Somebody's brought bad luck aboard, or we should'nt have such weather as this." Then he would disappear into the cabin and ponder over his chart, trying to work out the ship's position. But a strong current and the high wind, both setting in one direction, had carried him far beyond his reckoning, and into the vicinity of the Faulkland Islands.

"We was speaking of her as we come along, and saying it seemed to be a pity she should'nt feel it was best to come back this winter and help you through; only one daughter, and left alone as you be, with the bad spells you are liable to in winter time but there, it ain't her way her ambitions ain't what they should be, that's all I can say."

The Squire laughed. "Redbud? What, at school, yonder?" "Yes, sir." The good-natured old gentleman looked at the boy's frank face, and admired its honest, ingenuous expression. "I don't see why you should'nt, Verty," he replied, "if you don't go too often, and keep my little 'Bud from her lessons." "Oh! no, sir."

"Without me could you have felt it quite like this?" She waited breathlessly, but the ironic spirit had got the better of his tenderness. "My dear girl," he rejoined, "what a question?" "But could you? tell me," she implored in sudden passion. "Well, I devoutly hope so," he answered lightly, "it's a thing I should'nt like to have missed, you know."

Among my earliest disappointments was the giving of grandmother's china to Hal, and I cried for "just one saucer," and this was a fac-simile and met a hearty appreciation. I bedewed it with tears, and Aunt Hildy said it was dretful dangerous to give me anything, and she should'nt try it.