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"No, he ain't got the goods, but he is dead wise to some things, and he didn't get out of that shindy up stairs without getting hurt. He'll be sore all right, and will raise all the hell he can. It's safer to keep out of the way." "An' what about that other buck, Hobart? It won't do to have him picked up, if this guy gets the harness bulls to take a look around here."

But it seems he got up a reg'lar shindy with the board, one day; called 'em thieves and swindlers, and allowed he was disgracing himself as a Spanish hidalgo by having anything to do with 'em. Talked, they say, about Charles V. of Spain, or some other royal galoot, giving his ancestors the land in trust! Clean off his head, I reckon. Then shunted himself off the company, and sold out.

So I says to myself, "There's more in this than meets the eye, and them three parties must have right upon their side, or they wouldn't be doing what they are doing in the way they are, there'd be a shindy."

Fact is, I've had a devil of a shindy with Jack, and Maggie's run off, and, anyhow, I couldn't possibly stop in the same house with Jack tonight. 'But what ? 'See here, said Robert. 'I can't talk. Just let me have a bed in your spare room. I'm sure you mother won't mind. 'Why, certainly, said Liversage.

"I've been in about forty battles, and here's that little devil rather worried about my pluck and talkin' to me like a corps commander to a newly joined second-lieutenant. All the same he's a remarkable child, and we'd better behave as if we were in for a real shindy. What do you think, Princess?" "I think we are in for what you call a shindy. I am in command, remember.

"The chief," said Denham, "good old boy, kicks up a shindy, and swears he'll do this or that, and then he thinks better of it. I've got off my wigging." "How do you know?" I said. "Met the old boy after I had been having a regular hunt everywhere with half-a-dozen men, and he nodded to me in quite a friendly way. `Thank you, Denham, he said. `Tell your men that they were very smart."

There was a mighty shindy, and when the farmer was told his victim was a prominent English peer, he retorted: 'Well, that won't make him a judge of an Irish gentleman. In the last chapter I mentioned that the preacher I most admired was Archbishop Magee.

Erlanger to let us use the New York Theatre if we promise not to damage the fixtures. He lets every other benefit have it and he certainly wouldn't object to a few poor chorus girls pulling off a shindy, seeing as how they did so much for his success. "Suppose none of us had gone on in the chorus of 'Ben-Hur'? Just think what would have happened.

There was Stark, for one. Stark used to borrow money from him in the old days, you know, until they had a devil of a shindy over an I.O.U. and the friendship bust. You'd no more reason to kill him than Lester Stark, I swear. Or me, for that matter." "No, I'd no reason to kill him, Tony. But they'll take that quarrel we had over the Frozen Flame that night, and bring it up against me in court.

"Wirra, wirra!" he cried, and begged for mercy; but they raised a devastating shindy, and gave the stone a trundle. Down the turf it rolled and rolled, and then whoo! leaped over the edge of the fall into space and down down till it smote the waters far below, and knocked a mighty hole in them, and went under For three seconds only.