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Seth was, even now, packing up the quaint contraptions he called his luggage, and old Darius, the coloured odd job man, was getting a barrow out of the tool-house to wheel the said luggage to Seth's grandmother's house, somewhere in the negro quarters of the town. The whole affair of the impudence and dismissal had not taken two minutes, but the effects were widespread and lasting.

The door was thrown open. Seth entered, looking sheepish, and sat down in the little cane-seated rocker. "Say," he began, after a moment of uncomfortable silence, "would you mind now that I've begged your pardon and all tellin' me what did happen while I was away. I imagine, judgin' by the looks of things in the kitchen, that there was er well, consider'ble doin', as the boys say." He grinned.

She looked all about the garden, and spent an hour in the kitchen talking to Serena and Letty while they worked there, and then she went out to see Jonathan and a new acquaintance called Seth Pond, an awkward young man, who took occasion to tell Betty that he had come from way up-country where there was plenty greener'n he was.

Dinah dusted up to the very edge of these and then hesitated, looking at them with a longing but timid eye. It was painful to see how much dust there was among them. As she was looking in this way, she heard Seth's step just outside the open door, towards which her back was turned, and said, raising her clear treble, "Seth, is your brother wrathful when his papers are stirred?"

Sol was very sorry to leave his mother, but there was nobody else except his two brothers. And he was very sure that Seth would run away to sea when he got old enough, unless Captain Solomon let him go. But, long before it came to be Seth's time, Captain Solomon had learned better. And John, at that time, was a little boy. So Sol made his plans.

The touch of resentment saved Seth. He found it possible to answer her, which he did with an assumption of calmness he in no way felt. It was a pathetic little face that looked up into his. The girl's anger had brought a flush to her cheeks, but her beautiful eyes were as tearful as an April sky. "Guess we've all got to do a heap o' things we don't like, Rosie; a mighty big heap.

Well, we must strike eastward somehow, lads, and the sooner the better. We'll hold to the valley a bit and see where that leads us. Do you, Seth Barker, keep that bit of a shillelagh ready, and, if any one asks you a question, don't you wait to answer it."

The postmaster's eye singled out Seth Bowers, the guide. "Say, Seth," he inquired, "wa'n't your sports last summer named Whittaker and Jerrard the men ye had in on the Kennemagon waters?" "Yes." "Well, you boys listen to this," and the postmaster read the item with unction. "Looks 's if they were going ahead, and as if there wasn't so much wind to it, after all," observed one of the party.

"They'll get over their fright in a minute or two and be after us." "I'm thinkin' you're right," said Seth Cole, "but nothin' kin save this boat now. She must be an old one. She burns so fast." Henry sprang into the river and the five followed him, swimming with their utmost power toward the southern shore.

Frank shivered with strange sensations as he gazed upon that immense and powerful stronghold of force; trying to realize that, dreaming so quietly there in the sunset, those gilded walls, which seemed those of an ancient city of peace, meant horrible, deadly war. "By hooky!" said Seth Tucket, coming to his side, "that old Fortress Monroe's a stunner ain't she?