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"A pity to use my best camisa for such a purpose," he observes, while in the act of unfolding it. "Still it won't likely get much damage; and a wash, with a bit of starch, will set it all right again." Then turning to Cypriano, he adds, "Now, senorito; be good enough to strip off everything, and draw this over your shoulders."

The Padre was aboard, and the two Mituans that sailed for him, and two men besides, one in a cocked hat and uniform. So they came ashore. Padre Filippo chuckled, and shook his fat finger at Craney. "Ah, senorito, little rogue!" he says. "Alas! what behaviour!" and he chuckled and patted Craney on the arm. The official was sociable too.

If I speak already without accent, with my thorough English appearance, there is nothing left to change except my manners. 'Oh no, said Desborough. 'Oh pray not! I madam 'I am, interrupted the lady, 'the Senorita Teresa Valdevia. The evening air grows chill. Adios, Senorito. And before Harry could stammer out a word, she had disappeared into her room.

I never knew till now. In a week I'll have the eagle bird with the frog-sticker blended in so you'd think you were born with it. I brought a set of the needles and ink just because I was sure you'd drop in some day, Mr. Dalton." "Oh, hell," said the Kid. "I thought I told you my name!" "All right, 'Kid, then. It won't be that long. How does Señorito Urique sound, for a change?"

"Carrambo! no, senorito," replied the tiger-hunter, now laughing outright; "that's not the sort of food the fellow is fond of. You'll see it presently. By good luck, it's just in season now just as the bears fancy it or else we needn't look to start them here. We should have to go further up the mountains: where they are more difficult both to find and follow.

If you are not satisfied, Senorito Benito, then fight me." No sooner said than done. The boys, who stood some distance from the others, doubled their fists and rushed at each other like two fighting cocks.

"And what?" asks Cypriano, seeing that the gaucho hesitates, as if reluctant to say why fortune has so suddenly forsaken them. "There's a cloud come over the sun; has that anything to do with it?" "Everything, senorito. If that cloud don't pass off again, we're as good as lost.

And if you act it cleverly, as I know you can and will, we'll make breakfast on something better than beans. Now, senorito; you're in costume to go garzoneando." Long ere this, Cypriano has come to comprehend what is required of him, and is quite eager to have a try at the ruse so cunningly contrived.

"Come senorito, be brave; as I know you are. It may not be so bad for the nina, your cousin. I've no doubt she's still alive, though I've not been successful in finding her. As for your uncle, you must prepare yourself to see something that'll pain you. Now, promise me you'll bear it bravely say you will, and come along with me!"