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"Well," he said, when at last the President paused, "of a surety something must be done." Perona seemed not excited, rather more carefully watchful, of his own words, and of me. His small dark eyes roved me. "What is it you would plan to do about it, Señorito?" An irony was in that Latin diminutive! He spread his pale hands. "Your United States officials perhaps exaggerate.

Only now, after their disposal of the horses, is his brain busy in the conception of some scheme suited to the changed circumstances; and hence, on Cypriano asking him to tell the way he knew of, he but replies evasively, saying: "Be patient, Senorito! Wait till we've got things a little snug, then I'll take pleasure in telling you. But we mustn't remain here.

"Ylario, it is in my mind that I promised you the position of vaquero on the San Carlos range at the fall rodea." "Si, señor, such was your goodness." "Listen. This señorito is my friend. He is very sick. Place yourself at his side. Attend to his wants at all times. Have much patience and care with him.

"Go under that shadow and wait. I shall be better alone." This was said in a whisper. My companion did as directed. I approached the great door and knocked boldly. "Quien?" cried the porter within the saguan. "Yo," I responded. The door was opened slowly and with caution. "Is the Senorito Narcisso within?" I inquired. The man answered in the affirmative.

I certainly intend, with God's will, to set out for Flanders in four or five days, though you forebode that I shall have to turn out of my road; yet I hope no obstacle will occur to frustrate my purpose." "Say no more, señorito," the gipsy replied; "but commend yourself to God, and all will be well. Be assured I know nothing at all of what I have been saying.

"Santissima!" continues the gaucho in the same serious tone, "we're lost as it is now!" "But how lost?" inquires Ludwig, who, with his more limited experience of pampas life, is puzzled to understand what the gaucho means. "In what way?" "Just because there's no may. That's the very thing we've lost, senorito. Look around! Now, can you tell east from west, or north from south?

It was not as long a walk as it seemed, but their pace made it consume ten interminable minutes. At length the twisting walk twisted once more and gave on a cleared space, meltingly green, breathlessly still, an ancient stone well in its center. Josita gestured with a brown hand. "Alla esta Señorito Don Diego! Adios, Señorita!" "Gracias!" Honor managed. "Te nada!"

Madre Moreno nodded knowingly, and closed one eye slyly as she answered, "Thou art the cleverest señorito in these parts, but little as thou believest in my influence with el bueno Diablo, as the old women call him, I could disclose to thee many strange events which shall come after this day, and from this meeting thou shall date thy future."

Because, so far as is known to me, no other Chaco Indians but they use the bola perdida. That ball has been handled, mislaid, and left here behind by a Tovas traitor. You are right, senorito," he adds, speaking to Cypriano. "Whoever may have murdered my poor master, your uncle, Aguara is he who has carried off your cousin." "Let us on!" cries Cypriano, without another word.

The most celebrated women have envied me and hated me copying my dresses and my poses. And when, tired of all that brilliancy and noise, I said 'Good-bye' and came to this retreat, do you think it was to give myself to a village señorito, though a few hundred country bumpkins think he is a wonder?... Oh, say, Rafael, really...." And she laughed a cruel, mocking laugh that cut Rafael to the quick.