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'You mean to tell me that you had an American family up your sleeve all this time and never said a word about it? His tone was stern. 'Scusi, signore, I have not known zat you have ze plaisir of zer acquaintance. 'The pleasure of their acquaintance! Good heavens, Gustavo, when one shipwrecked man meets another shipwrecked man on a desert island must they be introduced before they can speak?

Arrivederla, maestro, Stephen said, raising his hat when his hand was freed. E grazie. Di che? Almidano Artifoni said. Scusi, eh? Tante belle cose! Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram. In vain he trotted, signalling in vain among the rout of barekneed gillies smuggling implements of music through Trinity gates.

Livio, close to him, was twanging his mandolin and singing some absurd melody: "Ah, Signor!" "Scusi, Signora?" "È forae il mio marito, Da molti anni smarrito?..." Peter broke in softly, "Livio, I go. I have had enough." Livio's eyebrows rose; he shrugged his shoulders, but continued his singing. He, anyhow, had not yet had enough of such a good-natured audience.

But upon my word, the young fellows whom the seminaries are now sending out in shoals represent a fact to give one pause! Little black devils! Scusi! Father, the word escaped me. Broadly speaking, they are a political militia, little else. Their hatred of Italy is a venom in their bones, and they themselves are mad for a spiritual tyranny which no modern State could tolerate for a week.

Constance and her father glanced tentatively at each other, and were silent. Gustavo, who had been hanging officiously in the rear, approached and begged their pardon. 'Scusi, signora, but I sink I can explain. Ecco! Ze telegram is dated from Limone zat is a village close by here on ze ozzer side of ze lake.

Later I wait thy pleasure, Signor Rizzo; on the ramparts, or where thou wilt. This is no lightsome night for a woman a mere girl." "'A woman' 'a mere girl'!" the Chief of Council began tauntingly. Cornaro's hand was upon his sword. "Scusi!" Rizzo said, suavely, being not yet ready for the break. "I meant no disrespect but she is young to rule.

But, somehow or other, I have wandered strangely from my subject. Scusi, but what has all this to do with the Bambino? The Santissimo Bambino is a very round-faced and expressionless doll, carved, as the legend goes, from a tree on the Mount of Olives, by a Franciscan pilgrim, and painted by Saint Luke while the pilgrim slept.

"You need n't rub it in," said he. "For the matter of that, you yourself entertained him in your kitchen." "Scusi?" said she. "Ah, well it was probably for the best," he concluded. "I daresay I should n't have behaved much better if I had known." "It was his coming which saved this house from being struck by lightning," announced Marietta. "Oh ? Was it?" exclaimed Peter. "Yes, Signorino.

Tony behind them made a sudden movement that let out nearly a yard of rope, and the Farfalla listed heavily to starboard. 'Tony! Constance threw over her shoulder. 'Don't you know enough to sit still when you are holding the sheet? 'Scusi, he murmured. The sulky look had vanished from his face; he wore an expression of alert attention.

"Signora, how can you say such a thing?" "Gaspare?" she exclaimed, astonished at his sudden vehemence. "Signora scusi! But but there will never be another like my Padrone." He opened the door and went quickly out of the room, and when the door shut it was as if an iron door shut upon a furnace. Hermione stood looking at this door. She drew a long breath. "But he has seen it!" she said, aloud.