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Tom Tripe had finished wiping his mustache, and Tess was still wondering just how to manage without betraying the sex of the other or the fact that she herself did not yet know her visitor's name, when Chamu returned with the bone. He threw it to the dog from a safe distance, and was sniffed at scornfully for his pains. "Won't he take it?" asked Tess. "Not from a black man. Bring it here, you!"

I call Emily a nice name enough. But 'Brown'! Good-morning, Mr. Morris; you and I are not cursed with such a contemptibly common name as that! 'Brown'? Oh, Lord!" She tossed her head scornfully, and walked away, humming a tune. Alban stood rooted to the spot. The effort of his later life had been to conceal the hopeless passion which had mastered him in spite of himself.

"It's only twenty minutes past four." "Spread out, men, and practice," directed Hi Martin. "Yah! yah!" jeered a Central boy. "Get all the practice you can -you'll need it." "These ragamuffins are pretty full of brag," observed Hi scornfully to one of his lieutenants. "They're just the kind of fellows that always do brag," returned the player addressed.

I conclude he had, with his usual alacrity and impetuous daring, frankly adopted the anti-superstitious side of things; and stood scornfully prepared to repel all aggressions or pretensions from the opposite quarter. In short, that he was already, what afterwards there is no doubt about his being, at all points a Radical, as the name or nickname then went.

What does he mean by "studying"? And to hear him speak scornfully of his friend Mr Reardon, who seems to work hard all through the year! It's disgusting, mother. At this rate he will never earn his own living. Who hasn't seen or heard of such men? If we had another hundred a year, I would say nothing. But we can't live on what he leaves us, and I'm not going to let you try.

"And if I had killed him that way?" he asked with terrible logic, as he thought. "There was little chance of that," she replied scornfully, and steadied herself against a chair; for, now that the suspense was over, she felt as though she had been passed between stones which ground the strength out of her. A flush of fierce resentment crossed over his face.

"They call this pleasure, Jasper," he said, almost scornfully, watching the struggling, aristocratic crowd with a half-contemptuous smile on his lips. "Why, it's hard work. They fight and push for the sake of a few hours spent in a crowded, poisoned room; and there's no prophet to rise up and proclaim it madness."

How could she tell me that when she knew that I hated him, and she has over and over again spoken scornfully of his family before me?" "What did she say?" Chebron asked. "She said that now disgrace had fallen on the family I might think myself very fortunate in obtaining such an offer." Chebron was silent.

"Do you think I'd tell you even if I knew?" she asked scornfully. He laughed softly, with diabolical enjoyment. "I think you would and will. I have ways to force open closed mouths, beloved." "You would torture me?" "If it were necessary," he admitted coolly. She answered in a blaze of defiance. "Get out your iron cubes for my fingers, you black-hearted villain!"

But you are rich; you bear a distinguished, aristocratic name; your husband is able to give sumptuous dinner- parties; consequently people will pardon his wife for having become the heroine of an unfortunate romance, and they will take good care not to turn their backs on nor to point their fingers at you; and whenever you pass them in the street, not to laugh scornfully and tell your history in an audible voice.