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He reminds me of that fearful personage in the nursery rhyme: Who goes round the house at night? None but bloody Tom! Who steals all the sheep at night? None but one by one! In short, Starlight Tom is the scapegoat of the neighbourhood, but so cunning and adroit, that there is no detecting him.

These people knew no language but their own, and since Harry was always engaged elsewhere with theodolite, level, and chain, and was, therefore, not available to play the part of interpreter, it became necessary for Butler to secure the services of a man who understood enough English to translate his orders into the vernacular; and because this unfortunate fellow was necessarily always at Butler's elbow, he became the scapegoat upon whose unhappy head the sins and shortcomings of the others were visited in the form of perpetual virulent abuse, until the man's life positively became a burden to him, to such an extent, indeed, that he would undoubtedly have deserted but for the fact that Butler, suspecting his inclination perhaps, positively refused to pay him a farthing of wages until the conclusion of his engagement.

It was as yet only an hysterical exasperation due to her search for some scapegoat; but his sickness and his peevish complaints of her restlessness had added to Sally's feeling an ingredient of distaste which she could not overcome. viii In the morning, when they met, Gaga was sulkily distant; and Sally sat opposite to him at their chilly breakfast with a puckered brow and a curled lip.

Human nature is such an erring quantity, that usually we can find a scapegoat among our fellow-beings, who can be made responsible for any misdeeds or failings which are so much a part of ourselves that they escape recognition.

If so, was he entitled to that money? Who is going to stand up here and deny it? Where is the question then, as to his right or his honesty in this matter? How does it come in here at all? I can tell you. It sprang solely from one source and from nowhere else, and that is the desire of the politicians of this city to find a scapegoat for the Republican party.

"Yes, it is vindictive, I know; one does not grow tender towards the enemy at the grave of Ellen Jervis." "At least, there were two sinners, not only one." "Only one dies of a broken heart." "But why attempt revenge?" "Oh, a primitive instinct. And anything is better than this meek endurance, this persistent heaping of penalties on the scapegoat."

For the danger is the making of the Sinn Feiners into a national scapegoat for the faults of all. For in a sense all were responsible.

Yet Lincoln, instead of sacrificing McClellan as a scapegoat, sent to him on July 1 and 2 telegrams bidding him do his best in the emergency and save his army, in which case the people would rally and repair all losses; "we still have strength enough in the country and will bring it out," he said, words full of cheering resolution unshaded by a suspicion of reproach, words which should have come like wine to the weary.

Gregory was but too certain that if John found any treasure of doubtful title he would seize it, and he was acutely unhappy. However, if Tomaso possessed the secret or some other secret of value there was yet a chance to save the Cadiz ingots. If this plan failed the scapegoat would not be a Templar.

What curious, erratic, unstable judgment is this that selects this one man as the scapegoat of commercial society, while deferentially allowing his business contemporaries the fullest measure of integrity and respectability? Monotonous echoes of one another, devoid of understanding, writer has followed writer in harping undiscriminatingly upon Jay Gould's crimes.