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'You forget the philosophic critic equally disagrees with all Parties. David lost his temper at last. 'Gentlemen, he shouted ironically, 'one may sit and make smoke-rings till the Messiah comes, but I assure you there is only one unconditional historic necessity, and that is Samooborona.

To be rid of him, the Bundist gave him the address of a man who kept aloof from Polish politics a bourgeois cousin of his, Belchevski by name, who might just as well be killed off in the Samooborona. But even Belchevski turned out to be a Territorialist. David imprudently told him he had seen his fellow-Territorialist Grodsky, who had half promised

Perhaps he would end by preaching the landlord's way passive Samooborona was better than none. But the Report refused to write itself. It was too dismal to confess he had not collected a kopeck or one recruit. He picked up a greasy fragment of a Russian newspaper, and read with a grim smile that the Octobrists had excluded Jews from their meetings.

Because they are a bourgeois party risking nothing, waiting passively till the Revolution drops into their hands. 'The name of bourgeois would be better applied to those who include the landed peasants among their forces, said Simon's wife angrily. 'If I might venture to suggest, said David soothingly, 'all these differences would be immaterial if you joined the Samooborona.

But as for myself, my life, of course, is at the disposal of headquarters. David was moved by this refreshing simplicity. He felt a little embarrassment in explaining that headquarters to him meant Samooborona, not Bund. The youth's countenance changed completely. 'Defend the Jews! he cried contemptuously. 'What have we to do with the Jewish bourgeoisie?

'Still, gentlemen, he said, 'if I may intrude my humble opinion Reb Mendel's advice is also good. God is, of course, our only protection. 'True, true. And the faces grew still cheerier. 'In God's name, wake up! David burst forth. 'In Samooborona lies your only salvation. Give the money to us, not to the Governor. We can meet and practise in your Talmud-Torah Hall!

The Biblical reference was more convincing to Tinowitz than a wilderness of arguments. 'Then, what do you propose? came from his white lips. 'To form a branch of the Samooborona. You must first summon a meeting of householders. 'What for? 'For a general committee and for the expenses. 'But how can we hold a meeting? The police 'There's the synagogue. 'Profane the synagogue!

He had come to Milovka, he explained, to warn them that the Black Hundreds were soon to be loosed upon the Jewish quarter. But no longer must the Jew go like a lamb to the shambles. Too long, when smitten, had he turned the other cheek, only to get it smitten too. They must defend themselves. He was there to form a branch of the Samooborona. Browning revolvers must be purchased.

Poor bewildered Russian Jew, caught in the bewilderments both of the Russian and the Jew, and tangled up inextricably in the double confusion of interlacing coils! The Parties, then, were perhaps inevitable; he must make his account with them. How if he formed a secret Samooborona Committee, composed equally of representatives of all Parties? But, then, how could he be sure of knowing them all?

It was Ezekiel Leven, his whilom lieutenant, with whom he had dreamed of Maccabean deeds. The new conscript, in the uniform of an artilleryman, was carefully taking sight with a Gatling gun. 'Poor Ezekiel! David cried. 'Yours is the most humorous fate of all! But have you forgotten there is still one form of Samooborona left? And with an ironic laugh he turned his pistol upon himself.