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Plum Run's got a six mile an hour current up above, and it's at least four here. There's something mighty funny about it all to me." "But mightn't it just have been snagged or shoaled up above, and finally worked loose?" "Sure, I know that.

"Keep close to me and use your pegs, fur a long run's before us." Both darted away together, as the wild yells told them that their escape was discovered. Those horrid, unearthly whoops, of which no idea can be had unless they be heard, set Leland's blood on fire. In a moment the whole forest seemed swarming with their enemies, and the yells of many were fearfully near.

"Whatever it was," said Eustace to Saunders on the following morning, "I propose that we drop the subject. There's nothing to keep us here for the next ten days. We'll motor up to the Lakes and get some climbing." "And see nobody all day, and sit bored to death with each other every night. Not for me thanks. Why not run up to town? Run's the exact word in this case, isn't it?

"Yes, and there goes Porter up around the bend. We row our boat to- day. We ought to get up a show or something and raise enough money to buy a motor." "I move we change our plans and leave Round Lake for another trip." It was lazy Frank who made the proposal. "What difference does it make to you? You never row anyway. Plum Run's too high for anything but still fishing "

"So far this run's begun with a fair wind and a prosperous; for don't you see that all this agrees with that dutiful trust in his father maintained by the slow member of the Raybrock family?" Whether the brothers had seen it before or no, they saw it now.

A Thunder Run man volunteered the information that the captain was asleep he had been to the house where the captain lodged and his mother had come to the door with her finger on her lips, and he had looked past her and seen Captain Cleave lying on a sofa fast asleep. Thunder Run's comrades listened, but they rather doubted the correctness of his report.

"I I was so frightened in this lonely place! an' an' Thunder Run's so far away an' an' Billy an' Pap an' Dave aren't here, after all an' I never saw so many strange people an' then I saw you oh! oh!" So brushed aside in this war city were all unnecessary conventions, that the three sat down quite naturally upon a wide church step.

"Well, Joel," she said, calmly, "very disagreeably smelling oil it is, I must say." "Good save the woman!" he broke out, sotto voce, "she's a born natural! Did ye never hear of a shaft? or millions o' gallons a day? It's better nor a California ranch, I tell ye. Mebbe," charitably, "ye didn't know Poke Run's the mester's?" "I certainly do. But I do not see what this green ditch-water is to me.

Allen's attention to herself to avoid the betrayal of their plans which would certainly follow Rebecca's joining the conversation. "Mis' Allen," she exclaimed, excitedly, "the's just one thing to be done. Won't you run's quick's ever you can to Si Pray, an' ask him to bring his gun? You won't meet the burglar 'cause he's gone the other way. Rebecca 'nd I'll jest wait here for you an' Si.

Thunder Run's so far away. Good mahnin', Mrs. Cole. Good mahnin', Mr. Cole." The slight homespun figure disappeared around the bend of the road. Sairy sewed in silence. Tom went back to the newspaper. The yellow cat slept on, the bees buzzed and droned, the sweet mountain air brushed through the trees, a robin sang. Half an hour passed. Tom raised his head. "I hear some one coming!"