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"And there was nothing but a rubbishing rice pudding after it to-day! So I'd like to take a little, Tynn. I feel quite empty." "You can take as much as you choose," said Tynn, who had known Master Cheese's appetite before to-day. "Begin at once, if you like, without waiting for the others. Some of the tables are spread."

I did not see any beauty in white," replied his daughter. "Why there, before your eyes," said the gentleman, loudly. "What, that girl dancing with the little captain? I don't see much beauty in her. And what a rubbishing dress." "It never cost a pound, making and all," suggested another Barkingtonian nymph. "But what splendid pearls!" said a third: "can they be real?"

"Let him alone, John!" said Dick Jones, "It isn't his fault that the teacher awarded the prize to him instead of you." "I hope you don't think I care for that!" said John, snapping his fingers. "He's welcome to his rubbishing books; they don't amount to much, anyway. I don't believe they cost more than two dollars at the most. If you'd like to see what I got for my essay, I'll show you."

The door, contrary to Tait's discreet, usual habit, had been left open. He vanished through it with harlequin-like agility as a terrible, white-faced black figure seemed to leap upon him.... "I've 'ad an escape for my life!" he said, having reached in a series of bounds the safer regions below stairs. "Of the Doctor?... Go on with your rubbishing nonsense!" said the cook.

I did prosecute; I was paid, and I pocketed the money; and because, in consequence of speculations which did not succeed, I have spent this money, as well as that of many others, all the rubbishing lot have made such a brawling, that a writ was issued to arrest me, and thus you see me here, my good fellow; neither more nor less than a malefactor." "Take care that don't hurt you, general."

To think of brave men's lives being risked in these twopenny errands, and a heart of Oak brought to the gallows, that clowns may get drunk the cheaper, or traitors for your Jacobite conspirators were but handy-dandy Judases, now to King James and now to King George exchange their rubbishing ciphers the easier! It drives me wild to think of these pinchbeck enterprises.

No mortal in Europe had done it before, nor has any tried since, I charitably hope, for a more rubbishing bloom does not exist. But there it was Ego feci! And the specimen in the Herbarium at Kew bears my name. But legends should not be disregarded when it is certain that they reach us from a native source. Some of the most striking finds had been announced long since by observant savages.

You can't imagine a man like him making money and living comfortably. It's a tragedy all the dramas of real life always ARE tragedies; but I'm terribly afraid there's no conceivable way out of it. Lady Hilda only looked at him with bold good humour. 'Nonsense, she said bravely. 'All pure rubbishing pessimistic nonsense. Berkeley. I'm very fond of Mr.

Thanks to importations by road and rail, from other coast resorts, she reckoned to muster sixteen to twenty couples. A rubbishing apology at best, in the matter of a "coming out" ball, for a girl of Damaris' position and deserts no one could know that better than she, Henrietta, herself did! "A poor thing but mine own," she quoted, when enlarging upon the scheme to Charles Verity.

I should always be printing all sorts of rubbishing articles, which are at present consigned to the Balaam-box. I could not bear to grieve and disappoint the young lady who sends her gushing verses. I should be picturing to myself the long hours of toil that resulted in the clever lad's absurd attempt at a review, and all his fluttering hopes and fears as to whether it was to be accepted or not.