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Zeal was the spring whence flowed her hardiment. Fairfax. Barby undid bolt and lock and Fleda met the traveller in the hall. She was a lady; her air and dress shewed that, though the latter was very plain. "Does Mr. Rossitur live here?" was her first word. Fleda answered it, and brought her visitor into the sitting room.

"I shall disobey you constantly," said the doctor; "but, my dear Miss Fleda, we must give you some felicities for reaching home, or Mrs. Rossitur will be a distressed when she sees them. Might I propose that you should just bear your weight on this wood-sled and let my oxen and me have the honour The cup of coffee, I am confident, would be at your lips considerably earlier "

Rossitur while they were gone. "Yes that is, a cousin has kindly consented to come and help me." "A cousin!" said Mrs. Rossitur. "Ay, we're in a nest of cousins." "In a what, Mr. Rossitur?" "In a nest of cousins; and I had rather be in a nest of rooks. I wonder if I shall be expected to ask my ploughmen to dinner! Every second man is a cousin, and the rest are uncles."

Rossitur will not see anybody, and I don't believe they have done any more than struggle for a living since they came here." "Where is Mr. Rossitur now?" "He is at the West, somewhere Fleda tells me he is engaged in some agencies there; but I doubt," said Mrs. Evelyn, shaking her head, compassionately, "there is more in the name of it than anything else.

"Entirely." "But Mr. Carleton," said Rossitur, flushing and not knowing exactly how to take him up, "is this the manner of one gentleman towards another?" He had not chosen right, for he received no answer but an absolute quietness which needed no interpretation. Charlton was vexed and confused, but somehow it did not come into his head to pick a quarrel with his host, in spite of his irritation.

"It is one of those singular cases," said Mr. Carleton, "where purity of blood proves itself, and one has no need to go back to past generations to make any inquiry concerning it." "Hear him!" cried Rossitur; "and for the life of me I could see nothing of all this wonder. Her face is not at all striking." "The wonder is not so much in what it is as in what it indicates," said Mr. Carleton.

Welcome home," exclaimed this lady, as her son and his friend at length made their appearance; "Welcome home we are all famishing; and I don't know why in the world we waited for you, for I am sure you don't deserve it. What success? What success, Mr. Rossitur?" "Faith, Ma'am, there's little enough to boast of, as far as I am concerned. Mr. Carleton may speak for himself."

Once before, he had known Mr. Carleton come out in a like manner, but this time he forgot to be surprised. The meal was two-thirds over before the business that had drawn them together was alluded to. "I made an odd request of you last night, Captain Rossitur," said his host; "you haven't asked for an explanation." "I had forgotten all about it," said Rossitur, candidly.

"I a very glad, my darling," said Mrs. Rossitur, stroking away the hair from the forehead that was bent down towards her "I am glad you had it to-day, and I am glad you will have it again to-morrow." "You will have it too, aunt Lucy. Mrs. Evelyn will be here in the morning she said so." "I shall not see her." "Why? Now, aunt Lucy! you will."

Bringing his chair down sideways at one angle and his person at another, so as to meet at the moment of the chair's touching the floor, and with a look and smile, slanting to match, the doctor said "Well, Miss Ringgan, has a Mrs. Rossitur does she feel herself reconciled yet?" "Reconciled, Sir? said Fleda. "Yes a to Queechy?"