United States or Benin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

How then rose and got up, and said: "Feller citizens: We've got together, as usual, without any plan of operation, except to howl and make faces at the critter man, ontil he is ready to give up his liberties and endow us angelic beeins with the privilege of fillin' up with benzine on eleckshun day; to vote and rool the destinies of the land."

The anshunt Britons never hed any tailory done, but thay wur all artists wi' the paint pot. The Consarvatives painted thurselves bloo, and the Radicals yaller, an' thay as danced the longest, the Roomans sent to Parlyment to rool the roost. I wur show'd the pleace wur the peeple started vor Lunnon.

He lifted up the wagon-cover softly a little later; and found that she slept. As they rode on, Steffins questioned him. "Did you make that surround you was going to make, Rool?" "No, Lew, I couldn't. Two of them was already under, and, honest, I couldn't have got the other one any more than you could have shot your kid that day he up-ended the gravy-dish in your lap." "Hell!" "That's right!

"Better get some sleep yourself, Rool," urged Steffins. "Can't, Lew. I ain't sleepy. I'm too busy thinking about things, and I have to watch out for my little girl there. You can't tell what these cusses might do." "There's thirty of us watching out for her now, young fellow." "There'll be thirty-one till we get out of this neighbourhood, Lew."

I'm whoopin' glad to see you!" He turned to the driver of the foremost wagon. "All right, boys! We'll make a layby for noon." Follett shook hands with him heartily, and turned to Prudence. "This is my wife, Lew. Prudence, this is Lew Steffins, our wagon-master." "Shoo, now! you young cub married? Well, I'm right glad to see Mrs. Rool Follett and bless your heart, little girl!"

And even as he spoke the wail was repeated, though this time could be distinctly heard the voice of some person struggling to articulate to some musical accompaniment the words "Rool Britanny! Britanny rool waves! Britons ne-vaire ne-vaire ne-vaire Shall be sla-aves!" During the march through the woods the Indians were not communicative.

Therefor, he began his reply: Dere Miss Maria Klegg: "I talk mi pen in hand to inform you that our walkin'-papers has at last come, and we start termorrer mornin' for Buzzard Roost to settle jest whose to rool that roost. Our ideas and Mister Jo Johnston's differ on that subjeck. When we git through with him hele no more, though he probably won't be so purty as he is now."

The old ship would leap almost out of the ocean and then fall back like a wounded duck. she would flounder, pitch, rool and dive come to the surface and wipe off the brine slick as a mole.

Sim was a mighty good hand t' work with; he was about the only man I ever sawed with who didn't ride the saw. He could jerk a crosscut saw.... Now let him in again, now, he-ho, once again! Rool him over now; that foreleg needs a tech o' water. Now out with him again; that's right, that's right! By gol, a beautiful scald as ever I see!" Milton, standing near, caught his eye again.

Mires Ile have 6 porc chops. at that inst. the telaphone wrang & mr. Mires slidd for it like it was 2nd base. Hold on Mires says Pa, who got here 1st, me or that bell wringer. Igscuse me just 1 min. says Mr. mires. No I be ding if Ile igscuse you says Pa, 1st come 1st served is the rool of bizness all over. But Mr. mires wyped his hands on his apern & ansered the wring & it was mrs.