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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Captain," said I, "the gentleman is seeking a dram, and the bottle's out. Will you give me the key?" They all started and turned about. "Why, here's our chance to get the fire-arms!" Riach cried; and then to me: "Hark ye, David," he said, "do ye ken where the pistols are?" "Ay, ay," put in Hoseason. "David kens; David's a good lad.

"Well," he said, "he brought me a dirty pannikin!" At that word, the captain and I and Mr. Riach all looked at each other for a second with a kind of frightened look; and then Hoseason walked up to his chief officer, took him by the shoulder, led him across to his bunk, and bade him lie down and go to sleep, as you might speak to a bad child.

With that he gave an order to the steersman, and sent Riach to the foretop. So, as I say, it fell to Mr. Riach to go aloft, and he sat there looking out and hailing the deck with news of all he saw. "The sea to the south is thick," he cried; and then, after a while, "it does seem clearer in by the land." "Well, sir," said Hoseason to Alan, "we'll try your way of it.

He had been there a month, when his professor said good-naturedly "Don't you think, Mr. Riach, you would get on better if you took your hands out of your pockets?" "No, sir, I don't think so," replied Andrew, in all honesty. When told that he must apologise, he did not see it, but was willing to argue the matter out.

The forecastle was a roomy place enough, set all about with berths, in which the men of the watch below were seated smoking or lying down asleep. I had no sooner moved, moreover, than one of the men brought me a drink of something healing which Mr. Riach had prepared, and bade me lie still and I should soon be well again. There were no bones broken, he explained: "A clour on the head was naething.

Her life was probably saved, under God, through the combined skill and kind attentions of three English physicians, who were then providentially at Tabriz. The Ambassador was exceedingly kind; so were Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit, who have been already introduced to the reader. Dr. Riach, afterwards at the head of the embassy, stayed five days and nights with Mrs.

The Egyptian had fled and locked it behind her. What the two men said to each other, it would not be fitting to tell. When Davidson, who had been gossiping at the corner of the town-house, released his captain and the sheriff, the gypsy had been gone for some minutes. "But she shan't escape us," Riach cried, and hastened out to assist in the pursuit.

Riach from the deck, asking for a parley; and I, climbing through the skylight and sitting on the edge of it, pistol in hand and with a bold front, though inwardly in fear of broken glass, hailed him back again and bade him speak out. He came to the edge of the round-house, and stood on a coil of rope, so that his chin was on a level with the roof; and we looked at each other a while in silence.

"Ye have saved the brig, sir; I'll mind that when we come to clear accounts," and I believe he not only meant what he said, but would have done it; so high a place did the Covenant hold in his affections. But this is matter only for conjecture, things having gone otherwise than he forecast. "Keep her away a point," sings out Mr. Riach. "Reef to windward!"

Neither said a word; but the first set to and examined me, and dressed my wound as before, while Hoseason looked me in my face with an odd, black look. "Now, sir, you see for yourself," said the first: "a high fever, no appetite, no light, no meat: you see for yourself what that means." "I am no conjurer, Mr. Riach," said the captain.

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