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It's a little thing to do, but it gives her pleasure, and I don't believe it will hurt your things half so much as letting dirty dogs and clumping boys spoil them. Stoop down, and let me take the crumbs off of your bonnet." "What a good girl you are, Amy!" said Jo, with a repentant glance from her own damaged costume to that of her sister, which was fresh and spotless still.

And may not sweet Grace Acton her now repentant father the kindly Jonathan his generous master, and if there be any other of the Hurstley folk we love, may they not all meet destruction at his hands, as a handful of corn before the reaper's sickle? I say not that they shall, but that they might.

Monsieur Durand himself gave lessons in it and in French but in the English and American colonies of Buenos Aires exclusively. There were reasons why he did not care to teach among Catholics, though he himself was a fervent one, and he hoped repentant. He pronounced the last word with some emphasis, as though to call Strange's attention to it.

Never was a man more repentant or more bitterly regretful for a fault that was in my eyes scarcely a fault at all except that he had too rashly assumed me to be the author of the ruin of the girl he loved. The poor fellow had been half maddened, and was scarce responsible for his actions.

Annette, on the morrow, was repentant and pitiable. The contrabandist supplies had been of a very limited nature, and now they were over she suffered a more than common misery of reaction from excess. For a while she was sullen, and sulked in her own chamber; but when her headache had worn itself out, she began to creep listlessly about the hotel Paul and the Baroness had spent a second evening tête-

Not that he dined at home often. And there were other beings present to my repentant thoughts. Where's his wife, thought I? Where's poor, good, kind little Laura? At this very moment it's about the nursery bed-time, and while yonder good-for-nothing is swilling his wine the little ones are at Laura's knees lisping their prayers: and she is teaching them to say 'Pray God bless Papa.

"It was not of the Sanscrit, but the moonshee I was thinking," answered Leopold mildly. "You darling!" cried Helen, already repentant. But with the revulsion she felt that this state of things could not long continue she must either lose her senses, or turn into something hateful to herself: the strain was more than she could bear.

To such as these the pope promised that the journey itself should take the place of all penance for sin. The faithful crusader, like the faithful Mohammedan, was assured of immediate entrance into heaven if he died repentant in the holy cause. Later the Church exhibited its extraordinary authority by what would seem to us an unjust interference with business contracts.

She fled to the kitchen, where, between fits of crying and laughing, which would have alarmed Imogene had she been there, she tried to prepare a breakfast which might tempt the repentant money-lender. Emily joined her after a short interval. "He won't listen to anything," said the young lady. "He has been frightened almost to death, that's certain. He is praying now.

As soon as he was out of the door, Susan became very repentant, and slipped her hand about Cynthia's waist. "We shouldn't have come in at all if we had known he would go so soon, indeed we shouldn't, Cynthia." And seeing that Cynthia was still silent, she added: "I wouldn't do such a mean thing, Cynthia, I really wouldn't. Won't you believe me and forgive me?" Cynthia scarcely heard her at first.