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But I have settled all the grudges at a blow, now." "You have done bravely; but did you discover who they are any of them besides the leader, Peters?" "Yes, two of 'em, who are, as Dunning and Piper surmised, Dave Redding and Tiger Fitch, that beauty of a constable, who bothered us so in old times, at Guilford.

Can't you git right out an' come in? We 're havin' a birthday party an' a benefit dance fer Chris Hazy's leg." "No, thanks," said Redding, trying in vain not to look at Mrs. Wiggs's head. "We just stopped by to tell you the good news." "'Bout Asia's position?" asked Mrs. Wiggs, eagerly. "Yes, about that, and something else besides.

Nolan had enjoyed the advantage of a "floating" jam; of convenient facilities incident to a large city; and of an aroused public sentiment that proffered him all the help he could use. Monrovia, little village that it was, had not grasped the situation. Redding saw it clearly.

Pray over this, as I am now doing, and the light will surely come to you." I prayed, and the light came quickly. I wrote Sister Trefren that I might soon be looked for in Sacramento, and that I was simply waiting on the Lord. I soon resigned my church office, and early one bright, beautiful morning I bade farewell to Redding. Just before the train drew out of the depot, I opened my Bible.

"No, I'd prefer the Flying Fish for the waters hereabouts," agreed Rob, "it's liable to come on rough in a hurry and then a chap who was out in a dry-goods box, like that thing, would be in trouble." "What are you calling a dry-goods box?" demanded an indignant voice behind them, and turning, the lads saw Sam Redding with a menacing look on his face.

Wiggs, coming up; "it might 'a' put her eyes out. Pore chile, she looks like a Mollygraw! Come right in, an' let's git to work." Billy was despatched for turpentine; Lucy, with an apron pinned about her, began operations on Australia's hair, while Redding sat helplessly by, waiting for Mrs. Wiggs to make his coat presentable.

It was a singularly enthusiastic theater party, oblivious of surroundings, and lost in wonder at the strange sights. Billy's laugh rang out frequently, with refreshing spontaneity. Their enjoyment was so evident that Redding was surprised, at the close of the first act, to see them put on their wraps and march solemnly out of the theater.

Meanwhile, Reginald Redding still breathing defiance to the clan of McLeod, with his heart steeled against all softer influences, and with all his bristles erect arrived at Jenkins Creek.

Suddenly she snatched it up and pressed it for a fleeting instant against her cheek, looking at him half ashamed. The winter months were spent at Monrovia, where Orde and his wife lived for a time at the hotel. This was somewhat expensive, but Orde was not quite ready to decide on a home, and he developed unexpected opposition to living at Redding in the Orde homestead.

Redding spoke of children, but old Captain Deal came in just as he was telling more and I could not hear the rest. 'There are several children and Mrs. Vane a youngish lady still, he said. The old Rectory will want some overhauling before they come to it, I should say, remarked Mr. Fairchild. 'It must be nigh upon forty years since Dr.