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"She done it herself," said Mrs. Wiggs. "That an' the pavement, too. Mrs. Krasmier's goat et up her flowers las' year, an' this year she 'lowed she'd fix it different. Chris Hazy, that boy over yonder with the peg-stick, helped her dig the post-boles, but she done the rest herself." "Well, she is pretty clever!" said Redding, almost incredulously, as he examined the fence and sidewalk.

A half-pronounced and timid "No," was her answer. "What! not remember moonlight, and Muschat's Cairn, and Rob and Rat?" said he, with the same sneer; "Your memory needs redding up, my jo." If Jeanie's distresses had admitted of aggravation, it must have been to find her sister under the charge of such a profligate as this man.

One year before, Fong Wu, heavily laden with his effects, had slipped out of the stage from Redding and found his way to a forsaken, ramshackle building below Whiskeytown. His coming had proved of small interest. When the news finally got about that "a monkey" was living in "Sam Kennedy's old place," it was thought, for a while, that laundering, thereafter, would be cheaply done.

What could wild Irish flesh and blood do? In a moment out from the sleeve of Doolan's blouse came the hidden poker, and the first blow was struck, bringing Green to the ground. The friendly Redding, who had bargained for the second, and who, naturally enough, was in fear of being cut out altogether, jumped on the prostrate man, and fulfilled his share of the bargain with a will.

But Adeline determined Juan's wedding In her own mind, and that's enough for woman; But then with whom? there was the sage Miss Redding, Miss Raw, Miss Flaw, Miss Showman, and Miss Knowman, And the two fair co-heiresses Giltbedding. She deem'd his merits something more than common. All these were unobjectionable matches, And might go on, if well wound up, like watches.

As for Waster Lunny's daughter Easie, who got her schooling free for redding up the school-house and breaking my furniture, she would never have been off the gossip about the minister, for she was her mother in miniature, with a tongue that ran like a pump after the pans are full, not for use but for the mere pleasure of spilling.

In a few minutes after the surrender of the tories, their guns were brought in by Dunning and Bart, who found them at the suspected place, though the traitor, Redding, whom they identified, had just taken the alarm, and was seen retreating over a distant knoll as they came up to the spot.

"Oh, Monsieur Redding," he exclaimed, "dem squatters, de black scoundrils what is be called Macklodds has bin come at last." "Ho, ho! the McLeods have come, have they?" said Redding, laying down his knife and fork, and looking earnestly at the man; "I had heard of their intention." "Oui, yis, vraiment," said Le Rue, with vehemence, "dey has come to Jenkins Creek more dan tree veeks pass.

"Perhaps," suggested Flora, "you had not mentioned the name of the place, and so it might not have occurred to him that " "Oh yes, I did," interrupted her father, with increasing anger, as his memory recalled the converse with Redding on the preceding night, "I remember it well, for he asked the name, and I told it him.

In this frame of mind Reginald Redding and his man started off next morning on foot at an early hour, slept that night at a place called Sam's hut, and, the following evening, drew near to the end of their journey. The little outskirt settlement of Partridge Bay was one of those infant colonies which was destined to become in future years a flourishing and thickly-peopled district of Canada.