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From those disputatious assemblies most of the women absented themselves, but the widow Lynch always remained, holding herself in reserve for any emergency, for she was well aware that her opinion carried much weight with many of the party. "We're a rough lot, and would need tight handlin'," whispered the little man named Redding to Joe Binney, who sat on a bank beside him.

"On which side of the creek have they begun to build the mill?" "They haven't begun yet, sir, but I believe they intend to commence on the south side." "So far well," replied Redding, "but if I find that they have raised a stone or planted a stake on the north side of the creek, I'll "

"I have some private affairs to attend to before settling down to business for keeps," he told Newmark vaguely. At Redding, whither he went to pack his little sole-leather trunk, he told Grandma Orde the same thing.

But if you wish to preserve the beauty of a freestone hearth, buy a quantity of free-stone powder of the stone-cutter, and rub on a portion of it wet, after you have washed your hearth in hot water. When it is dry, brush it off, and it will look like new stone. Bricks can be kept clean with redding stirred up in water, and put on with a brush.

Asia, speak to the gentleman Australia Europena!" with a commanding nod at each. Three small hands were thrust at Redding simultaneously, and he accommodated them all in his broad palm. "But why are you going home?" he asked, looking from one to the other. "Where else would we go to?" asked Mrs. Wiggs, in amazement. "Why not stay and see the play out? That was only the first act."

It would be a good thing to have a day off for washing and general "redding up." But the doctor had other intentions. In his own words, he "kept the Sabbath," and each Sunday morning read the service of the Episcopal Church. Early in their acquaintance David had discovered that his new friend was religious; "a God-fearing man" was the term the doctor had used to describe himself.

The village appeared to me a great news room; and on one side, to support it, as once at Redding & Company's on State Street, they kept nuts and raisins, or salt and meal and other groceries.

It was evening a calm, sunny, glorious, spring evening when Redding and his man overtopped the heights that enclosed the vale, and paused as well to gaze upon the scene as to recover breath. Far below them lay the hamlet, a cluster of black dots on a field of pure snow.

Revived by the cool, fresh air of the North, he had slept for several hours and was seemingly much better. A special compartment on the same train that had taken us first to Redding took us there now, his physicians in attendance. He did not seem to mind the trip or the drive home. As we turned into the lane that led to Stormfield he said: "Can we see where you have built your billiard-room?"

If you had peeped in at the window of a little gray house on a heathery hillside in the Highlands of Scotland one Saturday morning in May some years ago, you might have seen Jean Campbell "redding up" her kitchen.