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Henry Codman Potter, this hunter's domain has been transformed into beautiful "Cooper Grounds"; and here the red-man of bronze keeps ward and watch over memories that enshrine the genius of a noble soul whose records of this vanishing race are for all time. A gentleman just from continental Europe in 1851 said of people there: "They are all reading Cooper."

Finishing off in the true red-man style, Lumley sat down with decision, as though to say, "Now, the ball is at your own feet, kick it which way you please." Then the chief of the savages rose with dignity, but with a tinge of eagerness which he could not altogether conceal, and said: "Let not my white brother talk of going away. War shall cease at his bidding.

Carrying-places come, and when sick men come to them they stagger and fall. Frost often comes in spring, and when sick men get cold they die. Waugh!" "Humph!" repeated the boy again, with a solemnity quite equal to that of the Red-man. "When rain comes I can put up an umbrella an umbrella. D'you know what that is?" The Indian shook his head.

The memory of the red-man of the forest has preserved but one instance when their privacy was violated, since it was known through the tribes that they wished for no intercourse with mortals. Before that time many Indians were missing each year. No one knew what became of them, but they were gone, and left no trace nor story behind.

The three friends instantly drove their pack-horses behind a clump of trees; but not in time to escape the vigilant eye of the Red-man, who uttered a loud shout, which brought up a band of his comrades at full gallop. "Remember, Henri," cried Joe Blunt, "our errand is one of peace."

Besides, be it remembered, to carry that ring and that axe to the far distant haunts of the Red-man cost the trader weeks and months of constant toil, trouble, anxiety, and, alas! too frequently cost him his life! The state of trade is considerably modified in these regions at the present day.

Are there many pale-faces in it?" "Put 'em in the river," answered the Indian, sententiously; "water tell the trut'." "You think that there are many among them that would wash white?" "Wyandotté know so. When did red warriors ever travel on their path like hogs in drove? One red-man there, as Great Spirit make him; by his side two red-men as paint make 'em. This soon told on trail."

Neither Baldy nor the boy were disposed to give up the sport in this manner; so, they singled out a single 'noble red-man, who was pursuing nearly the same direction as they were, and they headed straight for him. The poor wretch, when he saw that he was the object of the monster's pursuit, seemed to become frantic with terror.

The Pale-faces have more beads, and guns, and blankets, and knives, and vermilion than they require; they wish to give some of these things for the skins and furs which the Red-man does not know what to do with. The great chief of the Pale-faces has sent me to say, `Why should we fight? let us smoke the pipe of peace!"

All these things, and many other indications of splendid prosperity too numerous to mention, have grown up in a little over twenty-five years. And with this growth the buffalo has gone, the red-man has been herded on to a limited reservation, and the "Bad-man" is almost an unknown quantity. Such is the Manitoba of to-day. But during the stages of Manitoba's transition its history is interesting.